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Version: 0.3.0

Gravitino configuration


Gravitino supports several configurations:

  1. Gravitino server configuration: Used to start up Gravitino server.
  2. Gravitino catalog properties configuration: Used to make default values for different catalogs.
  3. Some other configurations: Includes configurations such as HDFS configuration.

Gravitino server configurations

You can customize the Gravitino server by editing the configuration file gravitino.conf in the conf directory. The default values are sufficient for most use cases and don't need modification. It's strongly recommended to read the following sections to understand the configuration file and change the default values to suit your specific situation and usage scenario.

The gravitino.conf file lists the configuration items in the following table. It groups those items into the following categories:

Gravitino HTTP Server configuration

Configuration itemDescriptionDefault valueRequiredSince version
gravitino.server.webserver.hostThe host of Gravitino server.
gravitino.server.webserver.httpPortThe port on which the Gravitino server listens for incoming connections.8090No0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.minThreadsThe minimum number of threads in the thread pool used by Jetty webserver. minThreads is 8 if the value is less than 8.Math.max(Math.min(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 2, 100), 8)No0.2.0
gravitino.server.webserver.maxThreadsThe maximum number of threads in the thread pool used by Jetty webserver. maxThreads is 8 if the value is less than 8, and maxThreads must be great or equal to minThreads.Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() * 4, 400)No0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.threadPoolWorkQueueSizeThe size of the queue in the thread pool used by Jetty webserver.100No0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.stopTimeoutTime in milliseconds to gracefully shutdown the Jetty webserver, for more, please see org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server#setStopTimeout.30000No0.2.0
gravitino.server.webserver.idleTimeoutThe timeout in milliseconds of idle connections.30000No0.2.0
gravitino.server.webserver.requestHeaderSizeMaximum size of HTTP requests.131072No0.1.0
gravitino.server.webserver.responseHeaderSizeMaximum size of HTTP responses.131072No0.1.0
gravitino.server.shutdown.timeoutTime in milliseconds to gracefully shutdown of the Gravitino webserver.3000No0.2.0

Storage configuration

Configuration itemDescriptionDefault valueRequiredSince version
gravitino.entity.storeWhich storage implementation to use, currently supported is key-value pair storage, the default value is kv.kvNo0.1.0 implementation of KV storage, currently supported is RocksDB storage implementation RocksDBKvBackend.RocksDBKvBackendNo0.1.0 path of RocksDBKvBackend.${GRAVITINO_HOME}/data/rocksdbNo0.1.0
graivitino.entity.serdeThe serialization/deserialization class used to support entity storage, currently supported is proto.protoNo0.1.0 maximum skew time of transactions in milliseconds.2000No0.3.0 maximum time in milliseconds that the deleted data and old version data is kept. Set to at least 10 minutes and no longer than 30 days.604800000(7 days)No0.3.0

It's highly recommend that you change the default value of, as it's under the deployment directory and future version upgrades may remove it.

Catalog configuration

Configuration itemDescriptionDefault valueRequiredSince version
gravitino.catalog.cache.evictionIntervalMsThe interval in milliseconds to evict the catalog cache, default 3600000ms(1h).3600000No0.1.0
gravitino.catalog.classloader.isolatedWhether to use an isolated classloader for catalog, if true, an isolated classloader loads all catalog-related libraries and configurations, not the AppClassLoader. The default value is true.trueNo0.1.0

Auxiliary service configuration

Configuration itemDescriptionDefault valueSince Version
gravitino.auxService.names The auxiliary service name of the Gravitino Iceberg REST server, use iceberg-rest for the Gravitino Iceberg REST server.(none)0.2.0

Please refer to Iceberg REST catalog service for Iceberg REST catalog service configurations.

Security configuration

Please refer to security for HTTPS and Authentication configurations.

Gravitino catalog properties configuration

There are three types of catalog properties:

  1. Gravitino-defined properties: These properties simplify the catalog creation process.
  2. Properties with the gravitino.bypass. prefix: These properties aren't managed by Gravitino; instead, they bypass the underlying system for advanced usage.
  3. Other properties: Stored in Gravitino storage, these properties don't bypass the underlying system.

Catalog properties are either defined in catalog configuration files as default values or specified explicitly when creating a catalog.


Explicit specifications take precedence over the formal configurations.


These rules only apply on the catalog properties, doesn't affect on the schema or table properties.

catalog providercatalog propertiescatalog properties configuration file path
hiveHive catalog propertiescatalogs/hive/conf/hive.conf
lakehouse-icebergLakehouse Iceberg catalog propertiescatalogs/lakehouse-iceberg/conf/lakehouse-iceberg.conf
jdbc-mysqlMySQL catalog propertiescatalogs/jdbc-mysql/conf/jdbc-mysql.conf
jdbc-postgresqlPostgreSQL catalog propertiescatalogs/jdbc-postgresql/conf/jdbc-postgresql.conf

Gravitino server automatically add catalog properties configuration dir to classpath.

Some other configurations

You could put HDFS configuration file to catalog properties configuration dir, like catalogs/lakehouse-iceberg/conf/.

How to set up runtime environment variables

Gravitino server also supports setting up runtime environment variables by editing the file, located in the conf directory.

How to access Apache Hadoop

Currently, due to the absence of a comprehensive user permission system, Gravitino can only use a single username for Apache Hadoop access. Please ensure that the user starting the Gravitino server has Hadoop (HDFS, YARN, etc.) access permissions; otherwise, you may encounter a Permission denied error. There are also several ways to resolve this error:

  • Granting the Gravitino startup user permissions in Hadoop
  • Specify the authorized Hadoop username in the environment variables HADOOP_USER_NAME before starting the Gravitino server.