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accept(ErrorResponse) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers.OAuthErrorHandler
Accepts the error response and throws an exception based on the error type.
addColumn(String[], Type) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for adding an optional column.
addColumn(String[], Type, String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for adding a column.
addColumn(String[], Type, TableChange.ColumnPosition) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for adding a column.
addColumn(String[], Type, String, TableChange.ColumnPosition) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for adding a column.
addColumn(String[], Type, boolean) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for adding a column.
addColumn(String[], Type, String, boolean) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for adding a column.
addColumn(String[], Type, String, TableChange.ColumnPosition, boolean) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for adding a column.
addPartition(Partition) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Adds a partition to the table.
addPartition(Partition) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsPartitions
Add a partition with specified name and properties to the table.
AddPartitionsRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Request to add partitions to a table.
AddPartitionsRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.AddPartitionsRequest
Default constructor for Jackson.
AddPartitionsRequest(PartitionDTO[]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.AddPartitionsRequest
Constructor for the request.
AddTableColumnRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.AddTableColumnRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
AddTableColumnRequest(String[], Type, String, TableChange.ColumnPosition, boolean) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.AddTableColumnRequest
Constructor for AddTableColumnRequest.
AddTableColumnRequest(String[], Type, String, TableChange.ColumnPosition) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.AddTableColumnRequest
Constructor for AddTableColumnRequest with default nullable value(true).
AddTableColumnRequest(String[], Type, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.AddTableColumnRequest
Constructor for AddTableColumnRequest with default position and nullable value(true).
after(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.ColumnPosition
Returns the position after the given column.
allowAutoIncrement(Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types
ALREADY_EXISTS_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for already exists.
alreadyExists(String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new already exists error instance of ErrorResponse.
alreadyExists(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new already exists error instance of ErrorResponse.
AlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when an entity or resource already exists.
AlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
AlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.AlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
alterCatalog(NameIdentifier, CatalogChange...) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoMetaLake
Alter the catalog with specified identifier by applying the changes.
alterCatalog(NameIdentifier, CatalogChange...) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsCatalogs
Alter a catalog with specified identifier.
alterFileset(NameIdentifier, FilesetChange...) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetCatalog
Apply the change to a fileset in the catalog.
alterMetalake(NameIdentifier, MetalakeChange...) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Alters a specific Metalake using the Gravitino API.
alterMetalake(NameIdentifier, MetalakeChange...) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsMetalakes
Alter a metalake with specified identifier.
alternatives(List<String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Sets the alternatives for the configuration.
alterSchema(NameIdentifier, SchemaChange...) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Alter the schema with specified identifier by applying the changes.
alterSchema(NameIdentifier, SchemaChange...) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsSchemas
Apply the metadata change to a schema in the catalog.
alterTable(NameIdentifier, TableChange...) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Alter the table with specified identifier by applying the changes.
alterTable(NameIdentifier, TableChange...) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Apply the change to a table in the catalog.
ANONYMOUS_USER - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The default username used for anonymous access.
apply(String, Expression[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that applies a function to the input value.
args() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
Returns the arguments of the function.
args() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO
args() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.FunctionPartitioningDTO
Returns the arguments of the function.
argType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FieldReferenceDTO
argType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO
argType() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FunctionArg
Arguments type of the function.
argType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO
argType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpressionDTO
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.BucketPartitioningDTO
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.FunctionPartitioningDTO
Returns the arguments of the function.
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.SingleFieldPartitioning
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.TruncatePartitioningDTO
arguments() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression.FuncExpressionImpl
arguments() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform.SingleFieldTransform
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ApplyTransform
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.BucketTransform
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ListTransform
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.RangeTransform
arguments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.TruncateTransform
ascending(Expression) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders
Create a sort order by the given expression with the ascending sort direction and nulls first ordering.
asFilesetCatalog() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
asSchemas() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
Return the SupportsSchemas if the catalog supports schema operations.
asSchemas() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
assignments() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform
assignments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ListTransform
assignments() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.RangeTransform
asTableCatalog() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
asTableCatalog() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Audit - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
Represents the audit information of an entity.
audit - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
The audit information of the catalog.
audit - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
The audit information of the Metalake DTO.
audit - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
The audit information for the schema.
audit - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The audit information for the table.
Auditable - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
An auditable entity is an entity that has audit information associated with it.
AuditDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
Data transfer object representing audit information.
AuditDTO.Builder<S extends AuditDTO.Builder> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
Builder class for constructing an AuditDTO instance.
auditInfo() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Auditable
auditInfo() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
auditInfo() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Get the audit information of the catalog.
auditInfo() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
auditInfo() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO
auditInfo() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
AuthConstants - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.auth
Constants used for authentication.
AUTHENTICATED_PRINCIPAL_ATTRIBUTE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The default name of the attribute that stores the authenticated principal in the request.
AuthenticatorType - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.auth
The type of authenticator for http/https request.
AUTHORIZATION_BASIC_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The name of BASIC header used to pass the authentication token.
AUTHORIZATION_BEARER_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The name of BEARER header used to pass the authentication token.
AUTHORIZATION_NEGOTIATE_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The value of NEGOTIATE header used to pass the authentication token.
autoIncrement() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
autoIncrement - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Whether the column is an auto-increment column.
autoIncrement() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
autoIncrement() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl


BadRequestException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when the request is invalid.
BadRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.BadRequestException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
BadRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.BadRequestException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
BaseResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a base response for REST API calls.
BaseResponse(int) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.BaseResponse
Constructor for BaseResponse.
BaseResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.BaseResponse
Default constructor for BaseResponse.
booleanConf() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Creates a configuration entry for Boolean data type.
booleanLiteral(Boolean) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a boolean type literal with the given value.
bucket(int, String[]...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the bucket of the input value.
BucketPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Data transfer object representing bucket partitioning.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient.Builder
Builds a new GravitinoClient instance.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient.Builder
Builds and returns an instance of the HTTPClient with the configured options.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider.Builder
Builds the instance of the KerberosTokenProvider.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider.OAuth2TokenProviderBuilder
Builds the instance of the OAuth2TokenProvider.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
Builds an instance of AuditDTO using the builder's properties.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Builds an instance of CatalogDTO using the builder's properties.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
Builds an instance of MetalakeDTO using the builder's properties.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Builds a Column DTO based on the provided builder parameters.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO.Builder
Builds a new instance of DistributionDTO.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FieldReferenceDTO.Builder
Build the field reference.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO.Builder
Builds the function expression.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO.Builder
Builds a LiteralDTO instance.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpressionDTO.Builder
Build the unparsed expression.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
Builds a new instance of IndexDTO.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO.Builder
Builds the ListPartitioningDTO.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO.Builder
Builds the RangePartitioningDTO.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO.Builder
Build the partition.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO.Builder
Build the ListPartitionDTO.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO.Builder
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
Builds a Schema DTO based on the provided builder parameters.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO.Builder
Builds a SortOrderDTO based on the provided builder parameters.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Builds a Table DTO based on the provided builder parameters.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl.Builder
Build the distribution.
build() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
Build a new instance of IndexImpl.
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider
Creates a new instance of the DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.Builder
builder(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Creates a new builder for constructing a GravitinoClient.
builder(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Creates a new instance of the HTTPClient.Builder with the specified properties.
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider
Creates a new instance of the KerberosTokenProvider.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO
Creates a new Builder for constructing an Audit DTO.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
Default constructor for the builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Default constructor for the builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
Default constructor.
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
Creates a new Builder to build a Column DTO.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Constructs a new Builder.
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
Creates a new instance of DistributionDTO.Builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO.Builder
Creates a new instance of DistributionDTO.Builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FieldReferenceDTO.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpressionDTO
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpressionDTO.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
Get the builder for creating a new instance of IndexDTO.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
Default constructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
Constructs a new Builder instance.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO.Builder
Default constructor.
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
Creates a new Builder to build a Table DTO.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Default constructor.
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl.Builder
builder() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl
Builder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
byteLiteral(Byte) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a byte type literal with the given value.


Catalog - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
The interface of a catalog.
Catalog.Type - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino
The type of the catalog.
CatalogAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a resource already exists.
CatalogAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.CatalogAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
CatalogAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.CatalogAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
CatalogChange - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
A catalog change is a change to a catalog.
catalogChange() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest
Returns the catalog change associated with this request.
catalogChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest
catalogChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RenameCatalogRequest
catalogChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.SetCatalogPropertyRequest
catalogChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.UpdateCatalogCommentRequest
CatalogChange.RemoveProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A catalog change to remove a property from the catalog.
CatalogChange.RenameCatalog - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A catalog change to rename the catalog.
CatalogChange.SetProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A catalog change to set the property and value for the catalog.
CatalogChange.UpdateCatalogComment - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A catalog change to update the catalog comment.
CatalogCreateRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to create a catalog.
CatalogCreateRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogCreateRequest
Default constructor for CatalogCreateRequest.
CatalogCreateRequest(String, Catalog.Type, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogCreateRequest
Constructor for CatalogCreateRequest.
CatalogDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
Data transfer object representing catalog information.
CatalogDTO() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Default constructor for Jackson.
CatalogDTO(String, Catalog.Type, String, String, Map<String, String>, AuditDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Constructor for the catalog.
CatalogDTO.Builder<S extends CatalogDTO.Builder> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
Builder class for constructing a CatalogDTO instance.
catalogErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers
Creates an error handler specific to Catalog operations.
catalogExists(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsCatalogs
Check if a catalog exists.
CatalogProvider - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
A Catalog provider is a class that provides a short name for a catalog.
CatalogResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response containing catalog information.
CatalogResponse(CatalogDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.CatalogResponse
Constructor for CatalogResponse.
CatalogResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.CatalogResponse
Default constructor for CatalogResponse.
CatalogUpdateRequest - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents an interface for catalog update requests.
CatalogUpdateRequest.RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Request to remove a property from a catalog.
CatalogUpdateRequest.RenameCatalogRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Request to rename a catalog.
CatalogUpdateRequest.SetCatalogPropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Request to set a property on a catalog.
CatalogUpdateRequest.UpdateCatalogCommentRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Request to update the comment of a catalog.
CatalogUpdatesRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request containing multiple catalog updates.
CatalogUpdatesRequest(List<CatalogUpdateRequest>) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdatesRequest
Constructor for CatalogUpdatesRequest.
CatalogUpdatesRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdatesRequest
Default constructor for CatalogUpdatesRequest.
check(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Check the given condition is true.
check(boolean, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Check the given condition is true.
checkCatalog(NameIdentifier) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Check the given NameIdentifier is a catalog identifier.
checkCatalog(Namespace) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Check if the given catalog namespace is legal, throw an IllegalNamespaceException if it's illegal.
checkMetalake(NameIdentifier) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Check the given NameIdentifier is a metalake identifier.
checkMetalake(Namespace) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Check if the given metalake namespace is legal, throw an IllegalNamespaceException if it's illegal.
checkSchema(NameIdentifier) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Check the given NameIdentifier is a schema identifier.
checkSchema(Namespace) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Check if the given schema namespace is legal, throw an IllegalNamespaceException if it's illegal.
checkTable(NameIdentifier) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Check the given NameIdentifier is a table identifier.
checkTable(Namespace) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Check if the given table namespace is legal, throw an IllegalNamespaceException if it's illegal.
checkValue(Function<T, Boolean>, String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigEntry
Checks if the user-provided value for the config matches the validator.
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distribution
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Expression
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literal
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrder
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform
children() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpression
client - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider
The HTTP client used to request the access token from the authorization server.
client - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider.OAuth2TokenProviderBuilder
The HTTP client used to request the access token from the authorization server.
close() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Closes the GravitinoClient and releases any underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Closes the underlying HTTP client gracefully.
close() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider
Closes the KerberosTokenProvider and releases any underlying resources.
close() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider
Closes the OAuth2TokenProvider and releases any underlying resources.
Column - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
An interface representing a column of a Table.
Column.ColumnImpl - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
The implementation of Column for users to use API.
ColumnDefaultValueDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnDefaultValueDeserializer
ColumnDefaultValueSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnDefaultValueSerializer
ColumnDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Represents a Column DTO (Data Transfer Object).
ColumnDTO.Builder<S extends ColumnDTO.Builder> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Builder class for constructing ColumnDTO instances.
ColumnPositionDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnPositionDeserializer
ColumnPositionSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnPositionSerializer
columns() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
columns - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The columns of the table.
columns() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
columns() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
com.datastrato.gravitino - package com.datastrato.gravitino
com.datastrato.gravitino.auth - package com.datastrato.gravitino.auth
com.datastrato.gravitino.client - package com.datastrato.gravitino.client
com.datastrato.gravitino.config - package com.datastrato.gravitino.config
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util - package com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util
com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions - package com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
com.datastrato.gravitino.file - package com.datastrato.gravitino.file
com.datastrato.gravitino.json - package com.datastrato.gravitino.json
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions
com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types - package com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types - package
com.datastrato.gravitino.utils - package com.datastrato.gravitino.utils
comment() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
The comment of the catalog.
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
comment - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
The comment of the catalog.
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Get the comment of the catalog.
comment - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
The comment of the Metalake DTO.
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
comment - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
The comment associated with the column.
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
comment - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
The comment associated with the schema.
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO
comment - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The comment associated with the table.
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
comment() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.Fileset
comment() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Metalake
The comment of the metalake.
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl
comment() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
comment() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Schema
comment() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
comment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
compileDate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.VersionDTO
ComplexType() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.ComplexType
Config - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
The Config class is responsible for managing configuration settings.
Config(boolean) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Constructs a Config instance.
Config() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Constructs a Config instance and loads default configurations.
ConfigBuilder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.config
Builder class for creating configuration entries.
ConfigBuilder(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Constructs a ConfigBuilder with the given key.
ConfigConstants - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.config
Constants used for configuration.
ConfigEntry<T> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.config
Defines configuration properties.
create() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigEntry
Creates a new ConfigEntry instance based on this configuration entry with no default value.
createCatalog(NameIdentifier, Catalog.Type, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoMetaLake
Create a new catalog with specified identifier, type, comment and properties.
createCatalog(NameIdentifier, Catalog.Type, String, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsCatalogs
Create a catalog with specified identifier.
createFileset(NameIdentifier, String, Fileset.Type, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetCatalog
Create a fileset metadata in the catalog.
createMetalake(NameIdentifier, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Creates a new Metalake using the Gravitino API.
createMetalake(NameIdentifier, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsMetalakes
Create a metalake with specified identifier.
createMysqlPrimaryKey(String[][]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes
To create a MySQL primary key, you need to use the default primary key name.
createSchema(NameIdentifier, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Create a new schema with specified identifier, comment and metadata.
createSchema(NameIdentifier, String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsSchemas
Create a schema in the catalog.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>, Transform[], Distribution, SortOrder[], Index[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Create a new table with specified identifier, columns, comment and properties.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Create a table in the catalog.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>, Transform[]) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Create a table in the catalog.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>, Distribution, SortOrder[]) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Create a table in the catalog.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>, Distribution) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Create a table in the catalog.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>, SortOrder[]) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Create a table in the catalog.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>, Transform[], Distribution, SortOrder[]) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Create a partitioned table in the catalog.
createTable(NameIdentifier, Column[], String, Map<String, String>, Transform[], Distribution, SortOrder[], Index[]) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Create a table in the catalog.
createTime() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Audit
The creation time of the entity.
createTime - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
The create time for the audit.
createTime() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO
createWithDefault(T) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigEntry
Creates a new ConfigEntry instance based on this configuration entry with a default value.
createWithOptional() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigEntry
Creates a new ConfigEntry instance based on this configuration entry with optional value handling.
creator() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Audit
The creator of the entity.
creator - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
The creator of the audit.
creator() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO


dataType - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
The data type of the column.
dataType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
dataType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO
dataType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl
dataType() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
dataType() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal
dataType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal.LiteralImpl
dataType() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literal
dataType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals.LiteralImpl
dateLiteral(LocalDate) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a date type literal with the given value.
DateTimeType() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.DateTimeType
day(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the day of the input value.
day(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the day of the input value.
DayPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Data transfer object representing day partitioning.
Decimal - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
Used to represent a Types.DecimalType value in Gravitino.
decimalLiteral(Decimal) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a decimal type literal with the given value.
decodeFormData(String) - Static method in class
Decode an URL encoded form data string into a map.
decodeString(String) - Static method in class
Decode an URL encoded string.
DEFAULT_MYSQL_PRIMARY_KEY_NAME - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes
MySQL does not support setting the name of the primary key, so the default name is used.
DEFAULT_VALUE_NOT_SET - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
A default value that indicates the default value is not set.
DEFAULT_VALUE_OF_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
A default value that indicates the default value will be set to the current timestamp.
defaultNullOrdering() - Method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortDirection
Returns the default null ordering to use if no null ordering is specified explicitly.
DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
This class is the default implement of OAuth2TokenProvider.
DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Builder class for configuring and creating instances of DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.
defaultPos() - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.ColumnPosition
defaultValue - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
The default value of the column.
defaultValue() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
defaultValue() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl
defaultValue() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
delete(String, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP DELETE request to the specified path without query parameters and processes the response.
delete(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP DELETE request to the specified path with the provided query parameters and processes the response.
delete(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a DELETE request on the specified path with given information.
delete(String, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a DELETE request on the specified path with given information and no query parameters.
delete(String, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a DELETE request on the specified path with given information.
delete(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a DELETE request on the specified path with given information.
deleteColumn(String[], Boolean) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for deleting a field.
DeleteTableColumnRequest(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.DeleteTableColumnRequest
Constructor for DeleteTableColumnRequest.
DeleteTableColumnRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.DeleteTableColumnRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
deprecated() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Marks the configuration entry as deprecated.
descending(Expression) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders
Create a sort order by the given expression with the descending sort direction and nulls last ordering.
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnDefaultValueDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnPositionDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.DistributionDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.IndexDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.NameIdentifierDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitionDTODeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitioningDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.SortOrderDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.TypeDeserializer
direction() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO
direction() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrder
direction() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders.SortImpl
distribution() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
distribution() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
Distribution - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions
An interface that defines how data is distributed across partitions.
distribution() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
DistributionDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.DistributionDeserializer
DistributionDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Data transfer object representing distribution information.
distributionDTO - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The distribution of the table.
DistributionDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Builder for DistributionDTO.
Distributions - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions
Helper methods to create distributions to pass into Gravitino.
Distributions() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
Distributions.DistributionImpl - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions
Create a distribution on columns.
Distributions.DistributionImpl.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions
Builder to create a distribution.
DistributionSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.DistributionSerializer
doAs(Subject, Callable<T>) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.KerberosUtils
Execute the given action as the given subject.
doc(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Sets the documentation for the configuration.
doubleLiteral(Double) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a double type literal with the given value.
dropCatalog(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoMetaLake
Drop the catalog with specified identifier.
dropCatalog(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsCatalogs
Drop a catalog with specified identifier.
dropFileset(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetCatalog
Drop a fileset from the catalog.
dropMetalake(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Drops a specific Metalake using the Gravitino API.
dropMetalake(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsMetalakes
Drop a metalake with specified identifier.
dropPartition(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Drops the partition with the given name.
dropPartition(String) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsPartitions
Drop a partition with specified name.
dropped() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.DropResponse
Returns whether the drop operation was successful.
DropResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response for a drop operation.
DropResponse(boolean) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.DropResponse
Constructor for DropResponse.
DropResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.DropResponse
Default constructor for DropResponse (used by Jackson deserializer).
dropSchema(NameIdentifier, boolean) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Drop the schema with specified identifier.
dropSchema(NameIdentifier, boolean) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsSchemas
Drop a schema from the catalog.
dropTable(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Drop the table with specified identifier.
dropTable(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Removes both the metadata and the directory associated with the table from the file system if the table is not an external table.
DTOConverters - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util
Utility class for converting between DTOs and domain objects.


elementNullable() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
elementType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
empty() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Get an empty namespace.
EMPTY_ARGS - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FunctionArg
Constant for an empty array of function arguments.
EMPTY_EXPRESSION - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Expression
`EMPTY_EXPRESSION` is only used as an input when the default `children` method builds the result.
EMPTY_INDEXES - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
An empty array of indexes.
EMPTY_INDEXES - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes
An empty array of indexes.
EMPTY_NAMED_REFERENCE - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Expression
`EMPTY_NAMED_REFERENCE` is only used as an input when the default `references` method builds the result array to avoid repeatedly allocating an empty array.
EMPTY_PARTITIONING - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning
An empty array of partitioning.
EMPTY_SORT - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO
An empty array of SortOrderDTO.
EMPTY_TRANSFORM - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
An empty array of transforms.
encodeFormData(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class
Encode a map of form data into an URL encoded string.
encodeString(String) - Static method in class
URL encode a string.
EntityListResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response containing a list of catalogs.
EntityListResponse(NameIdentifier[]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.EntityListResponse
Constructor for EntityListResponse.
EntityListResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.EntityListResponse
Default constructor for EntityListResponse.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RemoveProperty
Compares this RemoveProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RenameCatalog
Compares this RenameCatalog instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.SetProperty
Compares this SetProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.UpdateCatalogComment
Compares this UpdateCatalogComment instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RemoveProperty
Compares this RemoveProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RenameFileset
Compares this RenameFileset instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.SetProperty
Compares this SetProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.UpdateFilesetComment
Compares this UpdateFilesetComment instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RemoveProperty
Compares this RemoveProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RenameMetalake
Compares this RenameMetalake instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.SetProperty
Compares this SetProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.UpdateMetalakeComment
Compares this UpdateMetalakeComment instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl
equals(Distribution) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distribution
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal.LiteralImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals.LiteralImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference.FieldReference
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform.SingleFieldTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ApplyTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.BucketTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.DayTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.HourTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.IdentityTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ListTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.MonthTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.RangeTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.TruncateTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.YearTransform
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpression.UnparsedExpressionImpl
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.RemoveProperty
Compares this RemoveProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.SetProperty
Compares this SetProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
Compares this AddColumn instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.After
Compares this After instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.DeleteColumn
Compares this DeleteColumn instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RemoveProperty
Compares this RemoveProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameColumn
Compares this RenameColumn instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameTable
Compares this RenameTable instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.SetProperty
Compares this SetProperty instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnComment
Compares this UpdateColumnComment instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition
Compares this UpdateColumnPosition instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnType
Compares this UpdateColumnType instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateComment
Compares this UpdateComment instance with another object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DecimalType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedCharType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UnionType
equals(Object) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.VarCharType
ErrorConstants - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Constants representing error codes for responses.
ErrorConstants() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
ErrorHandler - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
The ErrorHandler class is an abstract class specialized for handling ErrorResponse objects.
ErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandler
ErrorHandlers - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Utility class providing error handling for REST requests and specific to Metalake errors.
ErrorHandlers.OAuthErrorHandler - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Error handler specific to OAuth2 requests.
ErrorResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents an error response.
even(int, Expression...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
Create a distribution by evenly distributing the data across the number of buckets.
expression() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO
Expression - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
Base class of the public logical expression API.
expression() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrder
expression() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders.SortImpl
expressions() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
Returns the name of the distribution.
expressions() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distribution
expressions() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl
Get the expressions of the distribution.


field(String[]) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference
Returns a NamedReference.FieldReference for the given field name(s).
field(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference
Returns a NamedReference.FieldReference for the given column name.
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FieldReferenceDTO
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.SingleFieldPartitioning
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.TruncatePartitioningDTO
fieldName() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference
Returns the referenced field name as an array of String parts.
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference.FieldReference
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform.SingleFieldTransform
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.RangeTransform
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.TruncateTransform
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
fieldName() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.ColumnChange
Retrieves the field name of the column to be modified.
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.DeleteColumn
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameColumn
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnComment
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability
Retrieves the field name of the column whose nullability is being updated.
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition
fieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnType
fieldNames - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
The names of the fields.
fieldNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
fieldNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.BucketPartitioningDTO
Returns the field names.
fieldNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO
fieldNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
fieldNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.BucketTransform
fieldNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ListTransform
fieldNames() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Index
fieldNames - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
The field names of the index.
fieldNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl
fieldNames() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.IdentityPartition
FieldReferenceDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
Data transfer object representing a field reference.
FieldReferenceDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
Builder for FieldReferenceDTO.
fields(Strategy, int, String[]...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
Create a distribution on columns.
fields() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType
Fileset - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
An interface representing a fileset under a schema Namespace.
Fileset.Type - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
An enum representing the type of the fileset object.
FilesetAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a file with specified name already exists.
FilesetAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.FilesetAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
FilesetAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.FilesetAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
FilesetCatalog - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
The FilesetCatalog interface defines the public API for managing fileset objects in a schema.
FilesetChange - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
A fileset change is a change to a fileset.
FilesetChange.RemoveProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
A fileset change to remove a property from the fileset.
FilesetChange.RenameFileset - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
A fileset change to rename the fileset.
FilesetChange.SetProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
A fileset change to set the property and value for the fileset.
FilesetChange.UpdateFilesetComment - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.file
A fileset change to update the fileset comment.
filesetExists(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetCatalog
Check if a fileset exists using an NameIdentifier from the catalog.
findAvailablePort(int, int) - Static method in class
Find an available port in the port range.
first() - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.ColumnPosition
floatLiteral(Float) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a float type literal with the given value.
formatPartitionRequestPath(String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Formats the partition request path.
FractionType() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.FractionType
from(Namespace, TableDTO, RESTClient) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Creates a new RelationalTable.
fromDTO(DistributionDTO) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a DistributionDTO to a Distribution.
fromDTO(IndexDTO) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a IndexDTO to an Index.
fromDTO(PartitionDTO) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a PartitionDTO to a Partition.
fromDTO(SortOrderDTO) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a SortOrderDTO to a SortOrder.
fromDTO(ColumnDTO) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a ColumnDTO to a Column.
fromDTO(Partitioning) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a partitioning DTO to a Transform.
fromDTOs(IndexDTO[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of IndexDTOs to an array of Indexes.
fromDTOs(SortOrderDTO[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of SortOrderDTOs to an array of SortOrders.
fromDTOs(Partitioning[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of Partitioning DTOs to an array of Transforms.
fromDTOs(ColumnDTO[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a ColumnDTO to a Column.
fromFunctionArg(FunctionArg) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a FunctionArg DTO to an Expression.
fromFunctionArgs(FunctionArg[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a FunctionArg DTO to an Expression.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortDirection
Returns the SortDirection from the string representation.
FuncExpressionDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
Data transfer object representing a function expression.
FuncExpressionDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
Builder for FuncExpressionDTO.
FunctionArg - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
An argument of a function.
FunctionArg.ArgType - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
The type of the argument.
FunctionExpression - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
The interface of a function expression.
FunctionExpression.FuncExpressionImpl - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
A FunctionExpression implementation
functionName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO
functionName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.FunctionPartitioningDTO
Returns the name of the function.
functionName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression.FuncExpressionImpl
functionName() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression
FunctionPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Data transfer object for function partitioning.


get(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP GET request to the specified path and processes the response.
get(String, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a GET request on the specified path with given information and no query parameters.
get(String, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a GET request on the specified path with given information and no query parameters.
get(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a GET request on the specified path with given information.
get(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a GET request on the specified path with given information.
get(ConfigEntry<T>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Gets the value of a configuration entry.
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.BinaryType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.BooleanType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ByteType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DateType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DoubleType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FloatType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntegerType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntervalDayType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntervalYearType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.LongType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.NullType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ShortType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StringType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimeType
get() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UUIDType
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider
getAccessToken() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider
Get the access token from the authorization server.
getAllConfig() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Retrieves a map containing all configuration entries.
getByName(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.Strategy
Get the partitioning strategy by name.
getByName(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Strategy
Get the distribution strategy by name.
getChallenges() - Method in exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.UnauthorizedException
Get the challenge of the exception.
getColumn() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.After
Retrieves the name of the reference column after which the specified column will be placed.
getComment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
Retrieves the comment for the new column.
getConfigsWithPrefix(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Retrieves a map containing configuration entries that have keys with the specified prefix.
getDataType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
Retrieves the data type of the new column.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
Retrieves the field name of the new column.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.DeleteColumn
Retrieves the field name of the column to be deleted.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameColumn
Retrieves the hierarchical field name of the column to be renamed.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnComment
Retrieves the field name of the column whose comment is being updated.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition
Retrieves the field name of the column whose position is being updated.
getFieldName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnType
Retrieves the field name of the column whose data type is being updated.
getIfExists() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.DeleteColumn
Checks if the field should be deleted only if it exists.
getInt(String, JsonNode) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils
Get a int value from a JSON node property.
getKrb5LoginModuleName() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.KerberosUtils
getLong(String, JsonNode) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils
Get a long value from a JSON node property.
getNewComment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.UpdateCatalogComment
Retrieves the new comment intended for the catalog.
getNewComment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.UpdateFilesetComment
Retrieves the new comment intended for the fileset.
getNewComment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.UpdateMetalakeComment
Retrieves the new comment intended for the Metalake.
getNewComment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnComment
Retrieves the new comment for the column.
getNewComment() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateComment
Retrieves the new comment for the table.
getNewDataType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnType
Retrieves the new data type for the column.
getNewName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RenameCatalog
Retrieves the new name set for the catalog.
getNewName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RenameFileset
Retrieves the new name set for the fileset.
getNewName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RenameMetalake
Retrieves the new name intended for the Metalake.
getNewName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameColumn
Retrieves the new name for the column.
getNewName() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameTable
Retrieves the new name for the table.
getPartition(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Returns the partition with the given name.
getPartition(String) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsPartitions
Get a partition by partition name, you may get one of the following types of partitions: IdentityPartition ListPartition RangePartition It depends on the Table.partitioning().
getPartitionRequestPath() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
getPosition() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
Retrieves the position where the new column should be added.
getPosition() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition
Retrieves the new position for the column.
getPrefixMap(Map<String, String>, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.utils.MapUtils
Returns a map with all keys that start with the given prefix.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RemoveProperty
Retrieves the name of the property to be removed from the catalog.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the name of the property being set in the catalog.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RemoveProperty
Retrieves the name of the property to be removed from the fileset.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the name of the property being set in the fileset.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RemoveProperty
Retrieves the name of the property to be removed.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the name of the property.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.RemoveProperty
Retrieves the name of the property to be removed.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the name of the property to be set.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RemoveProperty
Retrieves the name of the property to be removed from the table.
getProperty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the name of the property.
getRawString(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Retrieves the raw string value associated with the specified configuration key.
getRawString(String, String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Retrieves the raw string value associated with the specified configuration key, providing a default value if the key is not found.
getString(String, JsonNode) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils
Get a string value from a JSON node property.
getTokenData() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider
Acquire the data of token for authentication.
getTokenData() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider
Acquire the data of token for authentication.
getValue() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the value assigned to the property in the catalog.
getValue() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the value assigned to the property in the fileset.
getValue() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the value assigned to the property.
getValue() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the value of the property to be set.
getValue() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.SetProperty
Retrieves the value of the property.
getVersion() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Retrieves the version of the Gravitino API.
gitCommit() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.VersionDTO
GravitinoClient - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Gravitino Client for interacting with the Gravitino API, allowing the client to list, load, create, and alter Metalakes.
GravitinoClient.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Builder class for constructing a GravitinoClient.
GravitinoMetaLake - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Gravitino Metalake is the top-level metadata repository for users.
GravitinoRuntimeException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Base class for all Gravitino runtime exceptions.
GravitinoRuntimeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.GravitinoRuntimeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
GravitinoRuntimeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.GravitinoRuntimeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
GravitinoVersion - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Gravitino version information.
GSS_KRB5_MECH_OID - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.KerberosUtils
Oid instance for Kerberos mechanism.
GSS_SPNEGO_MECH_OID - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.KerberosUtils
Oid instance for Kerberos spnego mechanism.


HASH - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
List bucketing strategy hash, TODO: #1505 Separate the bucket number from the Distribution.
hash(int, Expression...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
Create a distribution by hashing the data across the number of buckets.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RemoveProperty
Generates a hash code for this RemoveProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RenameCatalog
Generates a hash code for this RenameCatalog instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.SetProperty
Generates a hash code for this SetProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.UpdateCatalogComment
Generates a hash code for this UpdateCatalogComment instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RemoveProperty
Generates a hash code for this RemoveProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RenameFileset
Generates a hash code for this RenameFileset instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.SetProperty
Generates a hash code for this SetProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.UpdateFilesetComment
Generates a hash code for this UpdateFileComment instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RemoveProperty
Generates a hash code for this RemoveProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RenameMetalake
Generates a hash code for this RenameMetalake instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.SetProperty
Generates a hash code for this SetProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.UpdateMetalakeComment
Generates a hash code for this UpdateMetalakeComment instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal.LiteralImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals.LiteralImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference.FieldReference
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform.SingleFieldTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ApplyTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.BucketTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.DayTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.HourTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.IdentityTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ListTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.MonthTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.RangeTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.TruncateTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.YearTransform
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpression.UnparsedExpressionImpl
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.RemoveProperty
Generates a hash code for this RemoveProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.SetProperty
Generates a hash code for this SetProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
Generates a hash code for this AddColumn instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.After
Generates a hash code for this After instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.DeleteColumn
Generates a hash code for this DeleteColumn instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RemoveProperty
Generates a hash code for this RemoveProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameColumn
Generates a hash code for this RenameColumn instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameTable
Generates a hash code for this RenameTable instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.SetProperty
Generates a hash code for this SetProperty instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnComment
Generates a hash code for this UpdateColumnComment instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition
Generates a hash code for this UpdateColumnPosition instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnType
Generates a hash code for this UpdateColumnType instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateComment
Generates a hash code for this UpdateComment instance.
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DecimalType
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedCharType
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedType
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UnionType
hashCode() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.VarCharType
hasNamespace() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Check if the NameIdentifier has a namespace.
hasTimeZone() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimestampType
hasTokenData() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider
Judge whether AuthDataProvider can provide token data.
hasTokenData() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider
Judge whether AuthDataProvider can provide token data.
head(String, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP HEAD request to the specified path and processes the response.
head(String, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a HEAD request on the specified path with the given headers and error handling.
head(String, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a HEAD request on the specified path with the given headers and error handling.
hour(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the hour of the input value.
hour(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the hour of the input value.
HourPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Represents the hour partitioning.
HTTP_CHALLENGE_HEADER - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The HTTP header used to pass the authentication token.
HTTP_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The HTTP header used to pass the authentication token.
HTTPClient - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
An HttpClient for usage with the REST catalog.
HTTPClient.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Builder class for configuring and creating instances of HTTPClient.


identifiers() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.EntityListResponse
Returns the array of entity identifiers.
identity(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the input value.
identity(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the input value.
identity(String, String[][], Literal<?>[], Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.Partitions
Creates an identity partition.
identity(String[][], Literal<?>[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.Partitions
Creates an identity partition whose name will be automatically generated.
IdentityPartition - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions
An identity partition represents a result of identity partitioning.
IdentityPartitionDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
Data transfer object representing an identity partition.
IdentityPartitionDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
IdentityPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Represents the identity partitioning.
ILLEGAL_ARGUMENTS_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for illegal arguments.
illegalArguments(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new illegal arguments error instance of ErrorResponse.
illegalArguments(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new illegal arguments error instance of ErrorResponse.
IllegalNameIdentifierException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a name identifier is invalid.
IllegalNameIdentifierException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNameIdentifierException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
IllegalNameIdentifierException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNameIdentifierException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
IllegalNameIdentifierException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNameIdentifierException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
IllegalNameIdentifierException() - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNameIdentifierException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
IllegalNamespaceException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a namespace is invalid.
IllegalNamespaceException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNamespaceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
IllegalNamespaceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNamespaceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
IllegalNamespaceException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNamespaceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
IllegalNamespaceException() - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.IllegalNamespaceException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
index() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
index() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
Index - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes
The Index interface defines methods for implementing table index columns.
index() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
Index.IndexType - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes
The enum IndexType defines the type of the index.
IndexDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.IndexDeserializer
IndexDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes
Data transfer object representing index information.
IndexDTO() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
IndexDTO(Index.IndexType, String, String[][]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
Creates a new instance of IndexDTO
IndexDTO.Builder<S extends IndexDTO.Builder> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes
Builder for creating a new instance of IndexDTO.
indexes - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The indexes of the table.
Indexes - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes
Helper methods to create index to pass into Gravitino.
Indexes() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes
Indexes.IndexImpl - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes
The user side implementation of the index.
Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes
Builder to create a index.
IndexImpl(Index.IndexType, String, String[][]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl
The constructor of the index.
IndexSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.IndexSerializer
indexType - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
The type of the index.
indexType - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
The type of the index.
intConf() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Creates a configuration entry for Integer data type.
integer(Integer) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal
Creates an integer literal with the given value.
integerLiteral(Integer) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates an integer type literal with the given value.
IntegralType() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.IntegralType
internal() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Marks the configuration entry as internal (non-public).
INTERNAL_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for internal errors.
internalBuild() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.Builder
internalBuild() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider.OAuth2TokenProviderBuilder
Builds the instance of the OAuth2TokenProvider.
internalError(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new internal error instance of ErrorResponse.
internalError(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new internal error instance of ErrorResponse.
IntervalType() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.IntervalType
isEmpty(SerializerProvider, Expression) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnDefaultValueSerializer
isEmpty() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Check if the namespace is empty.
isNullable() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.AddColumn
Checks if the new column is nullable.


JsonUtils - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Utility class for working with JSON data.
JsonUtils() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils
JsonUtils.ColumnDefaultValueDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for Column default value.
JsonUtils.ColumnDefaultValueSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for Column default value.
JsonUtils.ColumnPositionDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for ColumnPosition objects.
JsonUtils.ColumnPositionSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for SortOrderDTO objects.
JsonUtils.DistributionDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for DistributionDTO objects.
JsonUtils.DistributionSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for DistributionDTO objects.
JsonUtils.IndexDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for Index objects.
JsonUtils.IndexSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for Index objects.
JsonUtils.NameIdentifierDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for NameIdentifier objects.
JsonUtils.NameIdentifierSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for NameIdentifier objects.
JsonUtils.PartitionDTODeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for PartitionDTO objects.
JsonUtils.PartitionDTOSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for PartitionDTO objects.
JsonUtils.PartitioningDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for Partitioning objects.
JsonUtils.PartitioningSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for PartitionDTO objects.
JsonUtils.SortOrderDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for SortOrderDTO objects.
JsonUtils.SortOrderSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for SortOrderDTO objects.
JsonUtils.TypeDeserializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON deserializer for Gravitino Type objects.
JsonUtils.TypeSerializer - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.json
Custom JSON serializer for Gravitino Type objects.


KerberosTokenProvider - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
KerberosTokenProvider will get Kerberos token using GSS context negotiation and then provide the access token for every request.
KerberosTokenProvider.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Builder class for configuring and creating instances of KerberosTokenProvider.
KerberosUtils - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.auth
Utility class for Kerberos related tests.
keyType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType


lastModifiedTime() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Audit
lastModifiedTime - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
The last modified time for the audit.
lastModifiedTime() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO
lastModifier() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Audit
lastModifier - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
The last modifier of the audit.
lastModifier() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO
length() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Get the length of the namespace.
length() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedCharType
length() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedType
length() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.VarCharType
level(int) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Get the level at the given position.
levels() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Get the levels of the namespace.
list(String[]...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that includes multiple fields in a list.
list(String, Literal<?>[][], Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.Partitions
Creates a list partition.
listCatalogs(Namespace) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoMetaLake
List all the catalogs under this metalake with specified namespace.
listCatalogs(Namespace) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsCatalogs
List all catalogs in the metalake under the namespace Namespace.
listFilesets(Namespace) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetCatalog
List the filesets in a schema namespace from the catalog.
listMetalakes() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Retrieves a list of Metalakes from the Gravitino API.
listMetalakes() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsMetalakes
List all metalakes.
ListPartition - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions
A list partition represents a result of list partitioning.
ListPartitionDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
Represents a List Partition Data Transfer Object (DTO) that implements the ListPartition interface.
ListPartitionDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
The builder for ListPartitionDTO.
ListPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Data transfer object representing a list partitioning.
ListPartitioningDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
The builder for ListPartitioningDTO.
listPartitionNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
listPartitionNames() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsPartitions
List all partition names of the table
listPartitions() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
listPartitions() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsPartitions
List all partitions
lists() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO
lists() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.ListPartition
listSchemas(Namespace) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
List all the schemas under the given catalog namespace.
listSchemas(Namespace) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsSchemas
List schemas under a namespace.
listTables(Namespace) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
List all the tables under the given Schema namespace.
listTables(Namespace) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
List the tables in a namespace from the catalog.
Literal<T> - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
This interface will be removed. Use Literal instead.
Literal<T> - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals
Represents a constant literal value in the public expression API.
Literal.LiteralImpl<T> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
Creates a literal with the given type value.
LiteralDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
Represents a Literal Data Transfer Object (DTO) that implements the Literal interface.
LiteralDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
Builder for LiteralDTO.
Literals - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals
The helper class to create literals to pass into Gravitino.
Literals() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Literals.LiteralImpl<T> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals
Creates a literal with the given type value.
loadCatalog(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoMetaLake
Load the catalog with specified identifier.
loadCatalog(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsCatalogs
Load a catalog by its identifier.
loadFileset(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetCatalog
Load fileset metadata by NameIdentifier from the catalog.
loadFromFile(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Loads configurations from a properties file.
loadFromMap(Map<String, String>, Predicate<String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Loads configurations from a map.
loadFromProperties(Properties) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Loads configurations from properties.
loadMetalake(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient
Loads a specific Metalake from the Gravitino API.
loadMetalake(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsMetalakes
Load a metalake by its identifier.
loadPropertiesFromFile(File) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Loads properties from a file.
loadSchema(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Load the schema with specified identifier.
loadSchema(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsSchemas
Load metadata properties for a schema.
loadTable(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Load the table with specified identifier.
loadTable(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Load table metadata by NameIdentifier from the catalog.
login(String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.KerberosUtils
Login to KDC using principal and keytab file.
longConf() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Creates a configuration entry for Long data type.
longLiteral(Long) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a long type literal with the given value.
lower() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
lower() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.RangePartition


MapUtils - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.utils
Utility class for working with maps.
MapUtils() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.utils.MapUtils
Metalake - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
The interface of a metalake.
MetalakeAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when the metalake already exists.
MetalakeAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.MetalakeAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
MetalakeAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.MetalakeAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
metalakeChange() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest
Returns the Metalake change associated with this request.
metalakeChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest
metalakeChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RenameMetalakeRequest
metalakeChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.SetMetalakePropertyRequest
metalakeChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest
MetalakeChange - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
A metalake change is a change to a metalake.
MetalakeChange.RemoveProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A metalake change to remove a property from the metalake.
MetalakeChange.RenameMetalake - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A metalake change to rename the metalake.
MetalakeChange.SetProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A metalake change to set a property and value pair for the metalake.
MetalakeChange.UpdateMetalakeComment - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A metalake change to update the metalake comment.
MetalakeCreateRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to create a Metalake.
MetalakeCreateRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeCreateRequest
Default constructor for MetalakeCreateRequest.
MetalakeCreateRequest(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeCreateRequest
Constructor for MetalakeCreateRequest.
MetalakeDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
Represents a Metalake Data Transfer Object (DTO) that implements the Metalake interface.
MetalakeDTO() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
MetalakeDTO(String, String, Map<String, String>, AuditDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
Creates a new instance of MetalakeDTO.
MetalakeDTO.Builder<S extends MetalakeDTO.Builder> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
A builder class for constructing instances of MetalakeDTO.
metalakeErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers
Creates an error handler specific to Metalake operations.
metalakeExists(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.SupportsMetalakes
Check if a metalake exists.
MetalakeListResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response containing a list of metalakes.
MetalakeListResponse(MetalakeDTO[]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.MetalakeListResponse
Constructor for MetalakeListResponse.
MetalakeListResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.MetalakeListResponse
Default constructor for MetalakeListResponse.
MetalakeResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response containing metalake information.
MetalakeResponse(MetalakeDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.MetalakeResponse
Constructor for MetalakeResponse.
MetalakeResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.MetalakeResponse
Default constructor for MetalakeResponse.
MetalakeUpdateRequest - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents an interface for Metalake update requests.
MetalakeUpdateRequest.RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to remove a property from a Metalake.
MetalakeUpdateRequest.RenameMetalakeRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to rename a Metalake.
MetalakeUpdateRequest.SetMetalakePropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to set a property on a Metalake.
MetalakeUpdateRequest.UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update the comment on a Metalake.
MetalakeUpdatesRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request containing multiple Metalake updates.
MetalakeUpdatesRequest(List<MetalakeUpdateRequest>) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdatesRequest
Constructor for MetalakeUpdatesRequest.
MetalakeUpdatesRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdatesRequest
Default constructor for MetalakeUpdatesRequest.
month(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the month of the input value.
month(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the month of the input value.
MonthPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Represents a MonthPartitioning Data Transfer Object (DTO) that extends the Partitioning interface.


name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Returns the name of the table.
name - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
The name of the catalog.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Get the name of the catalog.
name - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
The name of the Metalake DTO.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
name - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
The name of the column.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
name - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
The name of the index.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.BucketPartitioningDTO
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.FunctionPartitioningDTO
Returns the name of the function.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.SingleFieldPartitioning
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.TruncatePartitioningDTO
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
name - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
The name of the schema.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO
name - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The name of the table.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.Fileset
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Metalake
The name of the metalake.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Get the name of the NameIdentifier.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ApplyTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.BucketTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.DayTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.HourTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.IdentityTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.ListTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.MonthTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.RangeTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.TruncateTransform
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.YearTransform
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Index
name - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
The name of the index.
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.Partition
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Schema
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
name() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.BinaryType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.BooleanType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ByteType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DateType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DecimalType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DoubleType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedCharType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FloatType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntegerType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntervalDayType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntervalYearType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.LongType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.NullType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ShortType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StringType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimestampType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimeType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UnionType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UUIDType
name() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.VarCharType
NAME_OF_BUCKET - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the bucket transform.
NAME_OF_DAY - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the day transform.
NAME_OF_HOUR - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the hour transform.
NAME_OF_IDENTITY - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the identity transform.
NAME_OF_LIST - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the list transform.
NAME_OF_MONTH - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the month transform.
NAME_OF_RANGE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the range transform.
NAME_OF_TRUNCATE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the truncate transform.
NAME_OF_YEAR - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
The name of the year transform.
NamedReference - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
Represents a field or column reference in the public logical expression API.
NamedReference.FieldReference - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
A NamedReference that references a field or column.
NameIdentifier - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A name identifier is a sequence of names separated by dots.
NameIdentifierDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.NameIdentifierDeserializer
NameIdentifierSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.NameIdentifierSerializer
namespace() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Returns the namespace of the table.
namespace() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Get the namespace of the NameIdentifier.
Namespace - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino
A namespace is a sequence of levels separated by dots.
NEGOTIATE - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthConstants
The name of NEGOTIATE.
NON_EMPTY_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for non empty.
NON_NEGATIVE_NUMBER_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigConstants
The value of messages used to indicate that the configuration should be a non-negative number.
NONE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
A DistributionDTO instance that represents no distribution.
NONE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
NONE is used to indicate that there is no distribution.
nonEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new non empty error instance of ErrorResponse.
nonEmpty(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new non empty error instance of ErrorResponse.
NonEmptyEntityException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a resource is not empty.
NonEmptyEntityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NonEmptyEntityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NonEmptyEntityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NonEmptyEntityException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NonEmptySchemaException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a namespace is not empty.
NonEmptySchemaException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NonEmptySchemaException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NonEmptySchemaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NonEmptySchemaException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSuchCatalogException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a catalog is not found.
NoSuchCatalogException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchCatalogException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoSuchCatalogException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchCatalogException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSuchColumnException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a column with specified name is not existed.
NoSuchColumnException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchColumnException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoSuchColumnException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchColumnException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSuchEntityException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
This exception is thrown when an entity is not found.
NoSuchEntityException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException
Constructs a new NoSuchEntityException.
NoSuchEntityException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchEntityException
Constructs a new NoSuchEntityException.
NoSuchFilesetException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a file with specified name is not existed.
NoSuchFilesetException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchFilesetException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoSuchFilesetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchFilesetException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSuchMetalakeException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a metalake is not found.
NoSuchMetalakeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchMetalakeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoSuchMetalakeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchMetalakeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSuchPartitionException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a partition with specified name is not existed.
NoSuchPartitionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchPartitionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoSuchPartitionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchPartitionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSuchSchemaException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a schema is not found.
NoSuchSchemaException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchSchemaException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoSuchSchemaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchSchemaException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NoSuchTableException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a table with specified name is not existed.
NoSuchTableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchTableException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
NoSuchTableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchTableException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
NOT_BLANK_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigConstants
The value of messages used to indicate that the configuration is not set.
NOT_FOUND_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for not found.
notFound(String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new not found error instance of ErrorResponse.
notFound(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new not found error instance of ErrorResponse.
NotFoundException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Base class for all exceptions thrown when a resource is not found.
NotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NotFoundException
Constructs a new NotFoundException.
NotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NotFoundException
Constructs a new NotFoundException.
notNull(Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
Create a new Types.ListType with the given element type.
notNullField(String, Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
notNullField(String, Type, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
NT_GSS_KRB5_PRINCIPAL_OID - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.KerberosUtils
Oid instance for Kerberos principal name.
NULL - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO
A instance of LiteralDTO with a value of "NULL" and a data type of Types.NullType.get().
NULL - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Used to represent a null literal.
nullable - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Whether the column value can be null.
nullable() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
nullable() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column.ColumnImpl
nullable() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
nullable() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability
The nullable flag of the column.
nullable(Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
Create a new Types.ListType with the given element type and the type is nullable.
nullable() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
nullableField(String, Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
nullableField(String, Type, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
nullOrdering() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO
NullOrdering - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts
A null order used in sorting expressions.
nullOrdering() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrder
nullOrdering() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders.SortImpl
number() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
Returns the number of buckets.
number() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distribution
number() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl
Get the number of buckets of the distribution.
numBuckets() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.BucketPartitioningDTO
Returns the number of buckets.
numBuckets() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.BucketTransform
NumericType() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.NumericType


OAuth2ErrorResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents the response of an OAuth2 error.
OAuth2ErrorResponse(String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.OAuth2ErrorResponse
Creates a new OAuth2ErrorResponse.
OAuth2ErrorResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.OAuth2ErrorResponse
This is the constructor that is used by Jackson deserializer
OAuth2TokenProvider - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
OAuth2TokenProvider will request the access token from the authorization server and then provide the access token for every request.
OAuth2TokenProvider() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider
OAuth2TokenProvider.OAuth2TokenProviderBuilder<SELF extends com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider.Builder<SELF,T>,T extends OAuth2TokenProvider> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Builder interface for creating instances of OAuth2TokenProvider.
OAuth2TokenProviderBuilder() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider.OAuth2TokenProviderBuilder
OAuth2TokenResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents the response of an OAuth2 token request.
OAuth2TokenResponse(String, String, String, Integer, String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.OAuth2TokenResponse
Creates a new OAuth2TokenResponse.
OAuth2TokenResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.OAuth2TokenResponse
Creates a new OAuth2TokenResponse.
oauthError(int, String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new unknown error instance of ErrorResponse.
oauthErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers
Creates an error handler specific to OAuth2 requests.
OAuthErrorHandler() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers.OAuthErrorHandler
objectMapper() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils
Get the shared ObjectMapper instance for JSON serialization/deserialization.
of(String...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FieldReferenceDTO
Creates a new instance of FieldReferenceDTO.
of(int, String[]...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.BucketPartitioningDTO
Creates a new instance of BucketPartitioningDTO.
of(String...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.DayPartitioningDTO
Creates a new instance of DayPartitioningDTO.
of(String, FunctionArg...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.FunctionPartitioningDTO
Creates a new function partitioning DTO.
of(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.HourPartitioningDTO
Creates a new HourPartitioningDTO.
of(String...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.IdentityPartitioningDTO
Creates a new IdentityPartitioningDTO.
of(String[][]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO
Creates a new ListPartitioningDTO.
of(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.MonthPartitioningDTO
Creates a new MonthPartitioningDTO.
of(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO
Creates a new RangePartitioningDTO.
of(int, String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.TruncatePartitioningDTO
Constructs a truncate partitioning.
of(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.YearPartitioningDTO
Creates a new YearPartitioningDTO.
of(String...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Create the NameIdentifier with the given levels of names.
of(Namespace, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Create the NameIdentifier with the given Namespace and name.
of(String...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Create a namespace with the given levels.
of(String, Type, String, Expression) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
Create a Column instance.
of(String, Type, String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
Create a Column instance.
of(String, Type) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
Create a Column instance.
of(String, Type, String, boolean, boolean, Expression) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Column
Create a Column instance.
of(Strategy, int, Expression...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
Create a distribution by the given strategy.
of(String, Expression...) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression
Creates a new FunctionExpression with the given function name and arguments.
of(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression
Creates a new FunctionExpression with the given function name and no arguments.
of(T, Type) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal
Creates a literal with the given value and data type.
of(T, Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a literal with the given value and data type.
of(Expression, SortDirection) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders
Create a sort order by the given expression with the given sort direction and default null ordering.
of(Expression, SortDirection, NullOrdering) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders
Create a sort order by the given expression with the given sort direction and null ordering.
of(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpression
Creates a new UnparsedExpression with the given unparsed expression.
of(Index.IndexType, String, String[][]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes
of(BigDecimal, int, int) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
Creates a decimal value with the given value, precision and scale.
of(BigDecimal) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
Creates a decimal value with the given value.
of(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
Creates a decimal value with the given value.
of(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
Creates a decimal value with the given value, precision and scale.
of(int, int) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DecimalType
of(int) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedCharType
of(int) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedType
of(Type, boolean) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
Create a new Types.ListType with the given element type and whether the element is nullable.
of(Type, Type, boolean) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
Create a new Types.MapType with the given key type, value type and whether the value is nullable
of(String, Type, boolean, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
of(Types.StructType.Field...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType
of(Type...) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UnionType
Create a new Types.UnionType with the given types.
of(int) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.VarCharType
ofCatalog(String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Create the catalog NameIdentifier with the given metalake and catalog name.
ofCatalog(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Create a namespace for catalog.
ofMetalake(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Create the metalake NameIdentifier with the given name.
ofMetalake() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Create a namespace for metalake.
ofSchema(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Create the schema NameIdentifier with the given metalake, catalog and schema name.
ofSchema(String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Create a namespace for schema.
ofTable(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Create the table NameIdentifier with the given metalake, catalog, schema and table name.
ofTable(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
Create a namespace for table.


parse(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
Create a NameIdentifier from the given identifier string.
parseResponse(int, String, ObjectMapper) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandler
Parses the response and creates an ErrorResponse object based on the response code and the JSON data using the provided ObjectMapper.
parseResponse(int, String, ObjectMapper) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers.OAuthErrorHandler
Parses the error response from the server.
Partition - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions
A partition represents a result of partitioning a table.
PartitionAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a partition with specified name already exists.
PartitionAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.PartitionAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
PartitionAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.PartitionAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
PartitionDTO - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
Represents a Partition Data Transfer Object (DTO) that implements the Partition interface.
PartitionDTO.Type - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
Type of the partition.
PartitionDTODeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitionDTODeserializer
PartitionDTOSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitionDTOSerializer
partitionErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers
Creates an error handler specific to Partition operations.
partitionExists(String) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsPartitions
Check if a partition exists.
partitioning() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Partitioning - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
A partitioning strategy is a way to divide a table into smaller, more manageable pieces.
Partitioning - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The partitioning of the table.
partitioning() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
partitioning() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
Partitioning.SingleFieldPartitioning - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
A single field partitioning strategy.
Partitioning.Strategy - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Represents a partitioning strategy.
PartitioningDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitioningDeserializer
PartitioningSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitioningSerializer
PartitionListResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response for a list of partitions.
PartitionListResponse(PartitionDTO[]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionListResponse
Creates a new PartitionListResponse.
PartitionListResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionListResponse
This is the constructor that is used by Jackson deserializer to create an instance of PartitionListResponse.
PartitionNameListResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response containing a list of partition names.
PartitionNameListResponse(String[]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionNameListResponse
Constructor for PartitionNameListResponse.
PartitionNameListResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionNameListResponse
Default constructor for PartitionNameListResponse.
partitionNames() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionNameListResponse
PartitionResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response for a partition.
PartitionResponse(PartitionDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionResponse
Creates a new PartitionResponse.
PartitionResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionResponse
This is the constructor that is used by Jackson deserializer
Partitions - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions
The helper class for partition expressions.
Partitions() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.Partitions
PartitionUtils - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Utility class for partitioning validation.
PartitionUtils() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.PartitionUtils
POSITIVE_NUMBER_ERROR_MSG - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigConstants
The value of messages used to indicate that the configuration should be a positive number.
post(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified path with the provided request body and processes the response.
post(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>, Consumer<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP POST request to the specified path with the provided request body and processes the response with support for response headers.
post(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a POST request on the specified path with given information.
post(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>, Consumer<Map<String, String>>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a POST request on the specified path with a given information.
post(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>, Consumer<Map<String, String>>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a POST request on the specified path with a given information.
post(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a POST request on the specified path with given information.
postForm(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP POST request with form data to the specified path and processes the response.
postForm(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a POST request with form data on the specified path with the given information.
postForm(String, Map<String, String>, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a POST request with form data on the specified path with the given information.
precision() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
precision() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DecimalType
primary(String, String[][]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes
Create a primary index on columns.
PrimitiveType() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.PrimitiveType
properties() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
The properties of the catalog.
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
properties - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
The properties of the catalog.
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Get the properties of the catalog.
properties - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
The properties of the Metalake DTO.
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
properties - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
The properties associated with the schema.
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO
properties - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The properties associated with the table.
properties() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
properties() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.Fileset
properties() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Metalake
The properties of the metalake.
properties() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.Partition
properties() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Schema
properties() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
PROPERTY_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
A reserved property to specify the package location of the catalog.
provider() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
provider - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
The provider of the catalog.
provider() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Get the provider of the catalog.
purgePartition(String) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsPartitions
If the table supports purging, drop a partition with specified name and completely remove partition data by skipping a trash.
purgeTable(NameIdentifier) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalCatalog
Purge the table with specified identifier.
purgeTable(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Drop a table from the catalog and completely remove its data.
put(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified path with the provided request body and processes the response.
put(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>, Consumer<Map<String, String>>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient
Sends an HTTP PUT request to the specified path with the provided request body and processes the response with support for response headers.
put(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a PUT request on the specified path with given information.
put(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Supplier<Map<String, String>>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>, Consumer<Map<String, String>>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a PUT request on the specified path with given information.
put(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>, Consumer<Map<String, String>>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a PUT request on the specified path with a request body, response type, headers, and error handling.
put(String, RESTRequest, Class<T>, Map<String, String>, Consumer<ErrorResponse>) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RESTClient
Perform a PUT request on the specified path with given information.


RANGE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions
List bucketing strategy range, TODO: #1505 Separate the bucket number from the Distribution.
range(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the range of the input value.
range(String, Literal<?>, Literal<?>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.Partitions
Creates a range partition.
RangePartition - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions
A range partition represents a result of range partitioning.
RangePartitionDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
Data transfer object representing a range partition.
RangePartitionDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions
Builder for RangePartitionDTO.
RangePartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Represents the range partitioning.
RangePartitioningDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
The builder for the RangePartitioningDTO.
readFrom(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigEntry
Reads the configuration value.
references() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Expression
references() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference
references() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform.SingleFieldTransform
RelationalCatalog - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Relational catalog is a catalog implementation that supports relational database like metadata operations, for example, schemas and tables list, creation, update and deletion.
RelationalTable - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Represents a relational table.
RelationalTable(Namespace, TableDTO, RESTClient) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Creates a new RelationalTable.
RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest
Constructor for RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest.
RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest
Default constructor for RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest.
RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest
Constructor for RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest.
RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest
Default constructor for RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest.
removeProperty(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange
Creates a new catalog change to remove a property from the catalog.
removeProperty(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange
Creates a new fileset change to remove a property from the fileset.
removeProperty(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange
Creates a new metalake change to remove a property from the metalake.
removeProperty(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange
SchemaChange class to remove a property from the schema.
removeProperty(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for removing a table property.
RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest
Creates a new RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest.
RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
RemoveTablePropertyRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RemoveTablePropertyRequest
Constructor for RemoveTablePropertyRequest.
RemoveTablePropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RemoveTablePropertyRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
rename(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange
Creates a new catalog change to rename the catalog.
rename(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange
Creates a new fileset change to rename the fileset.
rename(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange
Creates a new metalake change to rename the metalake.
rename(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for renaming a table.
RenameCatalogRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RenameCatalogRequest
Default constructor for RenameCatalogRequest.
RenameCatalogRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RenameCatalogRequest
Constructor for RenameCatalogRequest.
renameColumn(String[], String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for renaming a field.
RenameMetalakeRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RenameMetalakeRequest
Constructor for RenameMetalakeRequest.
RenameMetalakeRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RenameMetalakeRequest
Default constructor for RenameMetalakeRequest.
RenameTableColumnRequest(String[], String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableColumnRequest
Constructor for RenameTableColumnRequest.
RenameTableColumnRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableColumnRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
RenameTableRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableRequest
Constructor for RenameTableRequest.
RenameTableRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
REST_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for REST responses error.
RESTClient - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.client
Interface for a basic HTTP Client for interfacing with the REST catalog.
restError(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Creates a new rest error instance of ErrorResponse.
restErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers
Creates a generic error handler for REST requests.
RESTException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when a REST request fails.
RESTException(String, Object...) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.RESTException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
RESTException(Throwable, String, Object...) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.RESTException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
RESTMessage - Interface in
Interface for REST messages.
RESTRequest - Interface in
Interface to mark a REST request.
RESTResponse - Interface in
Interface to mark a REST response
RESTUtils - Class in
Referred from Apache Iceberg's RESTUtil implementation core/src/main/java/org/apache/iceberg/rest/


scale() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
scale() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DecimalType
Schema - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
An interface representing a schema in the Catalog.
SchemaAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
An exception thrown when the schema already exists.
SchemaAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.SchemaAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new SchemaAlreadyExistsException.
SchemaAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.SchemaAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new SchemaAlreadyExistsException.
schemaChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest
Returns the schema change.
schemaChange() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest
The schema change that is requested.
schemaChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.SetSchemaPropertyRequest
Returns the schema change.
SchemaChange - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
NamespaceChange class to set the property and value pairs for the namespace.
SchemaChange.RemoveProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
SchemaChange class to remove a property from the schema.
SchemaChange.SetProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
SchemaChange class to set the property and value pairs for the schema.
SchemaCreateRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to create a schema.
SchemaCreateRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaCreateRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
SchemaCreateRequest(String, String, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaCreateRequest
Creates a new SchemaCreateRequest.
SchemaDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Represents a Schema DTO (Data Transfer Object).
SchemaDTO.Builder<S extends SchemaDTO.Builder> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Builder class for constructing SchemaDTO instances.
schemaErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers
Creates an error handler specific to Schema operations.
schemaExists(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SupportsSchemas
Check if a schema exists.
SchemaResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response for a schema.
SchemaResponse(SchemaDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.SchemaResponse
Creates a new SchemaResponse.
SchemaResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.SchemaResponse
This is the constructor that is used by Jackson deserializer
SchemaUpdateRequest - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update a schema.
SchemaUpdateRequest.RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to remove a property of a schema.
SchemaUpdateRequest.SetSchemaPropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to set a property of a schema.
SchemaUpdatesRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update a schema.
SchemaUpdatesRequest(List<SchemaUpdateRequest>) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdatesRequest
Creates a new SchemaUpdatesRequest.
SchemaUpdatesRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdatesRequest
This is the constructor that is used by Jackson deserializer
serialize(Expression, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnDefaultValueSerializer
serialize(TableChange.ColumnPosition, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.ColumnPositionSerializer
serialize(DistributionDTO, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.DistributionSerializer
serialize(Index, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.IndexSerializer
serialize(NameIdentifier, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.NameIdentifierSerializer
serialize(PartitionDTO, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitionDTOSerializer
serialize(Partitioning, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.PartitioningSerializer
serialize(SortOrderDTO, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.SortOrderSerializer
serialize(Type, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.TypeSerializer
set(ConfigEntry<T>, T) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Config
Sets the value of a configuration entry.
SetCatalogPropertyRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.SetCatalogPropertyRequest
Constructor for SetCatalogPropertyRequest.
SetCatalogPropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.SetCatalogPropertyRequest
Default constructor for SetCatalogPropertyRequest.
SetMetalakePropertyRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.SetMetalakePropertyRequest
Constructor for SetMetalakePropertyRequest.
SetMetalakePropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.SetMetalakePropertyRequest
Default constructor for SetMetalakePropertyRequest.
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange
Creates a new catalog change to set the property and value for the catalog.
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange
Creates a new fileset change to set the property and value for the fileset.
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange
Creates a new metalake change to set a property and value pair for the metalake.
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange
SchemaChange class to set the property and value pairs for the schema.
setProperty(String, String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for setting a table property.
SetProperty(String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.SetProperty
Creates a new SetProperty instance.
SetSchemaPropertyRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.SetSchemaPropertyRequest
Creates a new SetSchemaPropertyRequest.
SetSchemaPropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.SetSchemaPropertyRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
SetTablePropertyRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.SetTablePropertyRequest
Constructor for SetTablePropertyRequest.
SetTablePropertyRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.SetTablePropertyRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
shortLiteral(Short) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a short type literal with the given value.
shortName() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogProvider
The string that represents the catalog that this provider uses.
SignatureAlgorithmFamilyType - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.auth
Represents the type of signature algorithm family.
simpleString() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.BinaryType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.BooleanType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ByteType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DateType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DecimalType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.DoubleType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedCharType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FixedType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.FloatType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntegerType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntervalDayType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.IntervalYearType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ListType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.LongType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.NullType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.ShortType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StringType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimestampType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimeType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UnionType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UUIDType
simpleString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.VarCharType
SingleFieldPartitioning() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.SingleFieldPartitioning
SingleFieldTransform() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transform.SingleFieldTransform
SortDirection - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts
A sort direction used in sorting expressions.
sortOrder() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
sortOrder() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO
SortOrder - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts
Represents a sort order in the public expression API.
sortOrder() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
SortOrderDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.SortOrderDeserializer
SortOrderDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Data Transfer Object for SortOrder.
SortOrderDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Builder for SortOrderDTO.
sortOrderDTOs - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
The distribution of the table.
SortOrders - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts
Helper methods to create SortOrders to pass into Gravitino.
SortOrders() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortOrders
SortOrders.SortImpl - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts
Create a sort order by the given expression with the given sort direction and null ordering.
SortOrderSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.SortOrderSerializer
sortTerm() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO
storageLocation() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.Fileset
Get the storage location of the file or directory path that is managed by this fileset object.
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
Returns the strategy of the distribution.
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.BucketPartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.DayPartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.FunctionPartitioningDTO
Returns the strategy of the partitioning.
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.HourPartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.IdentityPartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.MonthPartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning
Returns the name of the partitioning strategy.
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.TruncatePartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.YearPartitioningDTO
strategy() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distribution
strategy() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl
Get the strategy of the distribution.
Strategy - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions
An enum that defines the distribution strategy.
string(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal
Creates a string literal with the given value.
stringConf() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Creates a configuration entry for String data type.
stringLiteral(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a string type literal with the given value.
stripTrailingSlash(String) - Static method in class
Remove trailing slashes from a path.
supportPartitions() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.RelationalTable
Returns the partitioning strategy of the table.
supportPartitions() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.Table
Table method for working with partitions.
SupportsCatalogs - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
Interface for supporting catalogs.
SupportsMetalakes - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino
Interface for supporting metalakes.
SupportsPartitions - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
Interface for tables that support partitions.
SupportsSchemas - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
The Catalog interface to support schema operations.


Table - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
An interface representing a table in a Namespace.
TableAlreadyExistsException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a table with specified name already exists.
TableAlreadyExistsException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.TableAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
TableAlreadyExistsException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.TableAlreadyExistsException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
TableCatalog - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
The TableCatalog interface defines the public API for managing tables in a schema.
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.AddTableColumnRequest
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.DeleteTableColumnRequest
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RemoveTablePropertyRequest
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableColumnRequest
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableRequest
Returns the table change.
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.SetTablePropertyRequest
Returns the table change.
tableChange() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest
The table change that is requested.
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest
Validates the request.
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest
tableChange() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableCommentRequest
Returns the table change.
TableChange - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
The TableChange interface defines the public API for managing tables in a schema.
TableChange.AddColumn - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to add a field.
TableChange.After - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
Column position AFTER means the specified column should be put after the given `column`.
TableChange.ColumnChange - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
The interface for all column changes.
TableChange.ColumnPosition - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
The interface for all column positions.
TableChange.Default - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
Column position DEFAULT means the position of the column was ignored by the user, and should be determined by the catalog implementation.
TableChange.DeleteColumn - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to delete a field.
TableChange.First - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
Column position FIRST means the specified column should be the first column.
TableChange.RemoveProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to remove a table property.
TableChange.RenameColumn - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to rename a field.
TableChange.RenameTable - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to rename a table.
TableChange.SetProperty - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to set a table property.
TableChange.UpdateColumnComment - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to update the comment of a field.
TableChange.UpdateColumnNullability - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to update the nullability of a field.
TableChange.UpdateColumnPosition - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to update the position of a field.
TableChange.UpdateColumnType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to update the type of a field.
TableChange.UpdateComment - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel
A TableChange to update a table's comment.
TableCreateRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to create a table.
TableCreateRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableCreateRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
TableCreateRequest(String, String, ColumnDTO[], Map<String, String>, SortOrderDTO[], DistributionDTO, Partitioning[], IndexDTO[]) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableCreateRequest
Creates a new TableCreateRequest.
TableDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Represents a Table DTO (Data Transfer Object).
TableDTO.Builder<S extends TableDTO.Builder> - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel
Builder class for constructing TableDTO instances.
tableErrorHandler() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.ErrorHandlers
Creates an error handler specific to Table operations.
tableExists(NameIdentifier) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableCatalog
Check if a table exists using an NameIdentifier from the catalog.
TableResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response for a table.
TableResponse(TableDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.TableResponse
Creates a new TableResponse.
TableResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.TableResponse
This is the constructor that is used by Jackson deserializer
TableUpdateRequest - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update a table.
TableUpdateRequest.AddTableColumnRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to add a column to a table.
TableUpdateRequest.DeleteTableColumnRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to delete a column from a table.
TableUpdateRequest.RemoveTablePropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to remove a property of a table.
TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableColumnRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to rename a column of a table.
TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to rename a table.
TableUpdateRequest.SetTablePropertyRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to set a property of a table.
TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update the comment of a column of a table.
TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update the nullability of a column of a table.
TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update the position of a column of a table.
TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update the type of a column of a table.
TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableCommentRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update the comment of a table.
TableUpdatesRequest - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests
Represents a request to update a table.
TableUpdatesRequest(List<TableUpdateRequest>) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdatesRequest
Creates a new TableUpdatesRequest.
TableUpdatesRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdatesRequest
This is the constructor that is used by Jackson deserializer
timeLiteral(LocalTime) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a time type literal with the given value.
timestampLiteral(LocalDateTime) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a timestamp type literal with the given value.
timestampLiteral(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a timestamp type literal with the given value.
toDTO(Audit) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Audit to a AuditDTO.
toDTO(Metalake) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Metalake to a MetalakeDTO.
toDTO(Partition) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Partition to a PartitionDTO.
toDTO(Catalog) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Catalog to a CatalogDTO.
toDTO(Schema) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Schema to a SchemaDTO.
toDTO(Column) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Column to a ColumnDTO.
toDTO(Table) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a table implementation to a TableDTO.
toDTO(Distribution) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Distribution implementation to a DistributionDTO.
toDTO(SortOrder) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a SortOrder implementation to a SortOrderDTO.
toDTO(Transform) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Transform implementation to a Partitioning DTO.
toDTO(Index) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an index implementation to an IndexDTO.
toDTOs(Column[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of Columns to an array of ColumnDTOs.
toDTOs(SortOrder[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of SortOrders to an array of SortOrderDTOs.
toDTOs(Transform[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of Transforms to an array of Partitioning DTOs.
toDTOs(Index[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of Indexes to an array of IndexDTOs.
toDTOs(Partition[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of Partitions to an array of PartitionDTOs.
toFunctionArg(Expression) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts a Expression to an FunctionArg DTO.
toFunctionArg(Expression[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.util.DTOConverters
Converts an array of Expressions to an array of FunctionArg DTOs.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RemoveProperty
Provides a string representation of the RemoveProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.RenameCatalog
Provides a string representation of the RenameCatalog instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.SetProperty
Provides a string representation of the SetProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange.UpdateCatalogComment
Provides a string representation of the UpdateCatalogComment instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpressionDTO
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RemoveProperty
Provides a string representation of the RemoveProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.RenameFileset
Provides a string representation of the RenameFile instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.SetProperty
Provides a string representation of the SetProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange.UpdateFilesetComment
Provides a string representation of the UpdateFilesetComment instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RemoveProperty
Provides a string representation of the RemoveProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.RenameMetalake
Provides a string representation of the RenameMetalake instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.SetProperty
Provides a string representation of the SetProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange.UpdateMetalakeComment
Provides a string representation of the UpdateMetalakeComment instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.NameIdentifier
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.Namespace
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.FunctionExpression.FuncExpressionImpl
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals.LiteralImpl
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.NamedReference.FieldReference
toString() - Method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.NullOrdering
toString() - Method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortDirection
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.RemoveProperty
Provides a string representation of the RemoveProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.SchemaChange.SetProperty
Provides a string representation of the SetProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.After
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.Default
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.First
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RemoveProperty
Provides a string representation of the RemoveProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.RenameTable
Returns a string representation of the RenameTable instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.SetProperty
Returns a string representation of the SetProperty instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange.UpdateComment
Returns a string representation of the UpdateComment instance.
toString() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
Transform - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
Represents a transform function in the public logical expression API.
Transform.SingleFieldTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
Base class for simple transforms of a single field.
Transforms - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
Helper methods to create logical transforms to pass into Gravitino.
Transforms() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Transforms.ApplyTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that applies a function to the input value.
Transforms.BucketTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the bucket of the input value.
Transforms.DayTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the day of the input value.
Transforms.HourTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the hour of the input value.
Transforms.IdentityTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the input value.
Transforms.ListTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that includes multiple fields in a list.
Transforms.MonthTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the month of the input value.
Transforms.RangeTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the range of the input value.
Transforms.TruncateTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the truncated value of the input value with the given width.
Transforms.YearTransform - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms
A transform that returns the year of the input value.
truncate(int, String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the truncated value of the input value with the given width.
truncate(int, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the truncated value of the input value with the given width.
TruncatePartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Represents the truncate partitioning.
type() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog
type - Variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
The type of the catalog.
type() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO
Get the type of the catalog.
type() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO
type() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
type() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO
type() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.PartitionDTO
type() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
type() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.Fileset
type() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Index
type() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl
Type - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
An interface representing all data types supported by Gravitino.
type() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.StructType.Field
Type.ComplexType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The base type of all complex types, including struct, list, map, and union.
Type.DateTimeType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The base type of all date/time types.
Type.FractionType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The base type of all fractional types.
Type.IntegralType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The base type of all integral types.
Type.IntervalType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The base type of all interval types.
Type.Name - Enum in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The root type name of this type.
Type.NumericType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The base type of all numeric types.
Type.PrimitiveType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The base type of all primitive types.
TypeDeserializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.TypeDeserializer
Types - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The helper class for Type.
Types() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types
types() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.UnionType
Types.BinaryType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The binary type in Gravitino.
Types.BooleanType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The boolean type in Gravitino.
Types.ByteType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The byte type in Gravitino.
Types.DateType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The date time type in Gravitino.
Types.DecimalType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The decimal type in Gravitino.
Types.DoubleType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The double type in Gravitino.
Types.FixedCharType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The fixed char type in Gravitino.
Types.FixedType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
Fixed-length byte array type, if you want to use variable-length byte array, use Types.BinaryType instead.
Types.FloatType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The float type in Gravitino.
Types.IntegerType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The integer type in Gravitino.
Types.IntervalDayType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The interval day type in Gravitino.
Types.IntervalYearType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The interval year type in Gravitino.
Types.ListType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
A list type.
Types.LongType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The long type in Gravitino.
Types.MapType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The map type in Gravitino.
Types.NullType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The data type representing `NULL` values.
Types.ShortType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The short type in Gravitino.
Types.StringType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The string type in Gravitino, equivalent to varchar(MAX), which the MAX is determined by the underlying catalog.
Types.StructType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The struct type in Gravitino.
Types.StructType.Field - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
A field of a struct type.
Types.TimestampType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The timestamp type in Gravitino.
Types.TimeType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The time type in Gravitino.
Types.UnionType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The union type in Gravitino.
Types.UUIDType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The uuid type in Gravitino.
Types.VarCharType - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types
The varchar type in Gravitino.
TypeSerializer() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.json.JsonUtils.TypeSerializer


UnauthorizedException - Exception in com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions
Exception thrown when a user is not authorized to perform an action.
UnauthorizedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.UnauthorizedException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
UnauthorizedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.UnauthorizedException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
UnauthorizedException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.UnauthorizedException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and challenge.
unique(String, String[][]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes
Create a unique index on columns.
UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for invalid state.
unknownError(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new unknown error instance of ErrorResponse.
unmodifiableMap(Map<String, String>) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.utils.MapUtils
Returns an unmodifiable map.
unparsedExpression() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpressionDTO
UnparsedExpression - Interface in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
Represents an expression that is not parsed yet.
unparsedExpression() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpression
unparsedExpression() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpression.UnparsedExpressionImpl
UnparsedExpression.UnparsedExpressionImpl - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions
An UnparsedExpression implementation
UnparsedExpressionDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
Data transfer object representing an unparsed expression.
UnparsedExpressionDTO.Builder - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions
UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_CODE - Static variable in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorConstants
Error codes for unsupported operation.
unsupportedOperation(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new unsupported operation error instance of ErrorResponse.
unsupportedOperation(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Create a new unsupported operation error instance of ErrorResponse.
UpdateCatalogCommentRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.UpdateCatalogCommentRequest
Constructor for UpdateCatalogCommentRequest.
UpdateCatalogCommentRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.UpdateCatalogCommentRequest
Default constructor for UpdateCatalogCommentRequest.
updateColumnComment(String[], String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for updating the comment of a field.
updateColumnNullability(String[], boolean) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for updating the nullability of a field.
updateColumnPosition(String[], TableChange.ColumnPosition) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for updating the position of a field.
updateColumnType(String[], Type) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for updating the type of a field that is nullable.
updateComment(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.CatalogChange
Creates a new catalog change to update the catalog comment.
updateComment(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.file.FilesetChange
Creates a new fileset change to update the fileset comment.
updateComment(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.MetalakeChange
Creates a new metalake change to update the metalake comment.
updateComment(String) - Static method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.TableChange
Create a TableChange for updating the comment.
UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest
Constructor for UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest.
UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest
Default constructor for UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest.
UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest(String[], String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest
Constructor for UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest.
UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest
Constructor for UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest.
UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest(String[], TableChange.ColumnPosition) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest
Constructor for UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest.
UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest(String[], Type) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest
Constructor for UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest.
UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
UpdateTableCommentRequest(String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableCommentRequest
Constructor for UpdateTableCommentRequest.
UpdateTableCommentRequest() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableCommentRequest
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
upper() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO
upper() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.RangePartition
uri(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient.Builder
Sets the base URI for the HTTP client.


validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO
Validates the Column DTO.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO
Validates the distribution.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FunctionArg
Validates the function argument.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.BucketPartitioningDTO
Validates the partitioning columns.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.FunctionPartitioningDTO
Validates the function partitioning.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO
Validates the partitioning columns.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.SingleFieldPartitioning
Validates the partitioning columns.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning
Validates the partitioning columns.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO
Validates the partitioning columns.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.TruncatePartitioningDTO
Validates the partitioning columns.
validate(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO
Validates the sort order.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.AddPartitionsRequest
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogCreateRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RemoveCatalogPropertyRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.RenameCatalogRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.SetCatalogPropertyRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdateRequest.UpdateCatalogCommentRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.CatalogUpdatesRequest
Validates each request in the list.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeCreateRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RemoveMetalakePropertyRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.RenameMetalakeRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.SetMetalakePropertyRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdateRequest.UpdateMetalakeCommentRequest
Validates the fields of the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.MetalakeUpdatesRequest
Validates each request in the list.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaCreateRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.RemoveSchemaPropertyRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdateRequest.SetSchemaPropertyRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.SchemaUpdatesRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableCreateRequest
Validates the TableCreateRequest request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.AddTableColumnRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.DeleteTableColumnRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RemoveTablePropertyRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableColumnRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.RenameTableRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.SetTablePropertyRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnCommentRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnNullabilityRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnPositionRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableColumnTypeRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdateRequest.UpdateTableCommentRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.requests.TableUpdatesRequest
Validates the request.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.BaseResponse
Validates the response code.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.CatalogResponse
Validates the response data.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.EntityListResponse
Validates the response data.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.ErrorResponse
Validates the error response.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.MetalakeListResponse
Validates the response data.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.MetalakeResponse
Validates the response data.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.OAuth2ErrorResponse
Validates the OAuth2ErrorResponse.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.OAuth2TokenResponse
Validates the response.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.PartitionNameListResponse
Validates the response data.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.SchemaResponse
Validates the response.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.TableResponse
Validates the response.
validate() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.VersionResponse
Validates the response data.
validate() - Method in interface
Ensures that a constructed instance of a REST message is valid according to the REST spec.
validateFieldExistence(ColumnDTO[], String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.PartitionUtils
Validates the existence of the partition field in the table.
value() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO
value() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal.LiteralImpl
value() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.Literal
value() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literal
value() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals.LiteralImpl
value() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Decimal
valueNotNull(Type, Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
Create a new Types.MapType with the given key type, value type and the value is not nullable.
valueNullable(Type, Type) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
Create a new Types.MapType with the given key type, value type and the value is nullable.
valueNullable() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthenticatorType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.SignatureAlgorithmFamilyType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FunctionArg.ArgType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.Strategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.PartitionDTO.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.file.Fileset.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Strategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.NullOrdering
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortDirection
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Index.IndexType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.Name
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.AuthenticatorType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.auth.SignatureAlgorithmFamilyType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.Catalog.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FunctionArg.ArgType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.Partitioning.Strategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.PartitionDTO.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.file.Fileset.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Strategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.NullOrdering
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.sorts.SortDirection
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Index.IndexType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in interface com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.partitions.IdentityPartition
values() - Static method in enum com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Type.Name
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
valueType() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.MapType
varcharLiteral(int, String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.literals.Literals
Creates a varchar type literal with the given value.
version(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigBuilder
Sets the version for the configuration.
version() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.VersionDTO
VersionDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto
Represents a Version Data Transfer Object (DTO).
VersionDTO() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.VersionDTO
Default constructor for Jackson deserialization.
VersionDTO(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.VersionDTO
Creates a new instance of VersionDTO.
VersionResponse - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses
Represents a response containing version of Gravitino.
VersionResponse(VersionDTO) - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.VersionResponse
Constructor for VersionResponse.
VersionResponse() - Constructor for class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.responses.VersionResponse
Default constructor for VersionResponse.


width() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.TruncatePartitioningDTO
width() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms.TruncateTransform
withArgs(FunctionArg...) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO.Builder
Sets the arguments of the function.
withAudit(AuditDTO) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Sets the audit information of the catalog.
withAudit(AuditDTO) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
Sets the audit information of the Metalake DTO.
withAudit(AuditDTO) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
Sets the audit information for the schema.
withAudit(AuditDTO) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the audit information for the table.
withAuthDataProvider(AuthDataProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient.Builder
Sets the AuthDataProvider for the HTTP client.
withAutoIncrement(boolean) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Sets whether the column is an auto-increment column.
withClientPrincipal(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider.Builder
Sets the client principal for the HTTP token requests.
withColumnName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FieldReferenceDTO.Builder
Set the column name for the field reference.
withColumns(ColumnDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the columns of the table.
withComment(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Sets the comment of the catalog.
withComment(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
Sets the comment of the Metalake DTO.
withComment(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Sets the comment associated with the column.
withComment(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
Sets the comment associated with the schema.
withComment(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the comment associated with the table.
withCreateTime(Instant) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
Sets the create time for the audit.
withCreator(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
Sets the creator for the audit.
withCredential(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.Builder
Sets the credential for the HTTP token requests.
withDataType(Type) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Sets the data type of the column.
withDataType(Type) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO.Builder
Set the data type of the literal.
withDefaultValue(Expression) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Sets the default value of the column.
withDirection(SortDirection) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO.Builder
Set the sort direction.
withDistribution(DistributionDTO) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the distribution of the table.
withExpressions(Expression[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl.Builder
Set the expressions of the distribution.
withFieldName(String[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FieldReferenceDTO.Builder
Set the field name for the field reference.
withFieldName(String[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.RangePartitioningDTO.Builder
Set the field name for the builder.
withFieldNames(String[][]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
Sets the field names of the index.
withFieldNames(String[][]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning.ListPartitioningDTO.Builder
Set the field names for the builder.
withFieldNames(String[][]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO.Builder
Set the field names for the partition.
withFieldNames(String[][]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
Set the field names of the index.
withFunctionArgs(FunctionArg...) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO.Builder
Set the function arguments for the function expression.
withFunctionName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.FuncExpressionDTO.Builder
Set the function name for the function expression.
withHeader(String, String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient.Builder
Adds a single request header to the HTTP client.
withHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient.Builder
Adds multiple request headers to the HTTP client.
withIndex(IndexDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the indexes of the table.
withIndexType(Index.IndexType) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
Sets the type of the index.
withIndexType(Index.IndexType) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
Set the type of the index.
withKerberosAuth(KerberosTokenProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient.Builder
Sets KerberosTokenProvider for the GravitinoClient.
withKeyTabFile(File) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.KerberosTokenProvider.Builder
Sets the keyTabFile for the HTTP token requests.
withLastModifiedTime(Instant) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
Sets the last modified time for the audit.
withLastModifier(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.AuditDTO.Builder
Sets who last modified the audit.
withLists(LiteralDTO[][]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO.Builder
Set the lists of the partition for the builder.
withLower(LiteralDTO) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO.Builder
Set the lower bound for the partition.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Sets the name of the catalog.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
Sets the name of the Metalake DTO.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Sets the name of the column.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.indexes.IndexDTO.Builder
Sets the name of the index.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO.Builder
Set the name of the partition.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO.Builder
Set the name of the partition for the builder.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO.Builder
Set the name for the partition.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
Sets the name of the schema.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the name of the table.
withName(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.indexes.Indexes.IndexImpl.Builder
Set the name of the index.
withNullable(boolean) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.ColumnDTO.Builder
Sets whether the column value can be null.
withNullOrder(NullOrdering) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO.Builder
Set the null ordering.
withNumber(int) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO.Builder
Sets the number of buckets.
withNumber(int) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl.Builder
Set the number of buckets of the distribution.
withOAuth(OAuth2TokenProvider) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient.Builder
Sets OAuth2TokenProvider for the GravitinoClient.
withObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.HTTPClient.Builder
Sets the custom ObjectMapper for the HTTP client.
withoutTimeZone() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimestampType
withPartitioning(Partitioning[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the partitioning of the table.
withPath(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.Builder
Sets the path for the HTTP token requests.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Sets the properties of the catalog.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.MetalakeDTO.Builder
Sets the properties of the Metalake DTO.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO.Builder
Set the properties for the partition.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.ListPartitionDTO.Builder
Set the properties of the partition for the builder.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO.Builder
Set the properties for the partition.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SchemaDTO.Builder
Sets the properties associated with the schema.
withProperties(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the properties associated with the table.
withProvider(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Sets the provider of the catalog.
withScope(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.DefaultOAuth2TokenProvider.Builder
Sets the scope for the HTTP token requests.
withSimpleAuth() - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.GravitinoClient.Builder
Sets the simple mode authentication for Gravitino
withSortOrders(SortOrderDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.TableDTO.Builder
Sets the sort orders of the table.
withSortTerm(FunctionArg) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.SortOrderDTO.Builder
Set the sort term.
withStrategy(Strategy) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.DistributionDTO.Builder
Sets the strategy of the distribution.
withStrategy(Strategy) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.distributions.Distributions.DistributionImpl.Builder
Set the strategy of the distribution.
withTimeZone() - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.types.Types.TimestampType
withType(Catalog.Type) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.CatalogDTO.Builder
Sets the type of the catalog.
withUnparsedExpression(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.UnparsedExpressionDTO.Builder
Set the unparsed expression.
withUpper(LiteralDTO) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.RangePartitionDTO.Builder
Set the upper bound for the partition.
withUri(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.client.OAuth2TokenProvider.OAuth2TokenProviderBuilder
Sets the uri of the OAuth2TokenProvider
withValue(String) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.expressions.LiteralDTO.Builder
Set the value of the literal.
withValues(LiteralDTO[]) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitions.IdentityPartitionDTO.Builder
Set the values for the partition.
writeTo(Map<String, String>, T) - Method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.config.ConfigEntry
Writes the provided value to the specified properties map.


year(String[]) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the year of the input value.
year(String) - Static method in class com.datastrato.gravitino.rel.expressions.transforms.Transforms
Create a transform that returns the year of the input value.
YearPartitioningDTO - Class in com.datastrato.gravitino.dto.rel.partitioning
Represents the year partitioning.
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