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Version: 0.4.0

Gravitino connector

Trino can manage and access data using the Trino connector provided by Gravitino, commonly referred to as the Gravitino connector. After configuring the Gravitino connector in Trino, Trino can automatically load catalog metadata from Gravitino, allowing users to directly access these catalogs in Trino. Once integrated with Gravitino, Trino can operate on all Gravitino data without requiring additional configuration.

Once metadata such as catalogs, schemas, or tables are changed in Gravitino, Trino can update itself through Gravitino, this process usually takes about 3~10 seconds.

The loading of Gravitino's catalogs into Trino follows the naming convention:


Regarding metalake and catalog, you can refer to Create a Metalake, Create a Catalog.

Usage in queries is as follows:

SELECT * from "metalake.catalog".dbname.tabname