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Version: 0.4.0

Gravitino web UI

This document primarily outlines how users can manage metadata within Gravitino using the web UI, the graphical interface is accessible through a web browser as an alternative to writing code or using the REST interface.

Currently, you can integrate OAuth settings to view, add, modify, and delete metalakes, create catalogs, and view catalogs, schemas, and tables, among other functions.


More features are under development. For the details, please refer to the Manage metadata using Gravitino document.

Build and deploy the Gravitino Web UI and open it in a browser at http://<gravitino-host>:<gravitino-port>, by default is http://localhost:8090.

Initial page

The web UI homepage displayed in Gravitino depends on the configuration parameter for OAuth mode, see the details in Security.

Set parameter for gravitino.authenticator, simple or oauth. Simple mode is the default authentication option.


After changing the configuration, make sure to restart the Gravitino server.

<path-to-gravitino>/bin/ restart

Simple mode

gravitino.authenticator = simple

Set the configuration parameter gravitino.authenticator to simple, and the web UI displays the homepage (Metalakes).


At the top-right, the UI displays the current Gravitino version.

The main content displays the existing metalake list.

Oauth mode

gravitino.authenticator = oauth

Set the configuration parameter gravitino.authenticator to oauth, and the web UI displays the login page.


  1. Enter the values corresponding to your specific configuration. For detailed instructions, please refer to Security.

  2. Clicking on the LOGIN button takes you to the homepage.


At the top-right, there is an icon button that takes you to the login page when clicked.

Manage metadata

All the manage actions are performed by using the REST API


Create metalake

On the homepage, clicking on the CREATE METALAKE button displays a dialog to create a metalake.


Creating a metalake needs these fields:

  1. Name(required): the name of the metalake.
  2. Comment(optional): the comment of the metalake.
  3. Properties(optional): Click on the ADD PROPERTY button to add custom properties.


There are 3 actions you can perform on a metalake.


Show metalake details

Clicking on the action icon in the table cell.

You can see the detailed information of this metalake in the drawer component on the right.


Edit metalake

Clicking on the action icon in the table cell.

Displays the dialog for modifying fields of the selected metalake.


Delete metalake

Clicking on the action icon in the table cell.

Displays a confirmation dialog, clicking on the SUBMIT button deletes this metalake.



Clicking on a metalake name in the table views catalogs in a metalake.

If this is the first time, it shows no data until after creating a catalog.

Clicking on the left arrow icon button takes you to the metalake page.


Clicking on the Tab - DETAILS views the details of the catalog on the metalake catalogs page.


On the left side of the page is a tree list.

  • Catalog
  • Schema
  • Table


Hover your mouse over the corresponding icon to the data changes to a reload icon . Click on this icon to reload the currently selected data.


Create catalog

Clicking on the CREATE CATALOG button displays the dialog to create a catalog.


Creating a catalog requires these fields:

  1. Catalog name(required): the name of the catalog
  2. Type(required): the default value is relational
  3. Provider(required): hive/iceberg/mysql/postgresql
  4. Comment(optional): the comment of this catalog
  5. Properties(each provider must fill in the required property fields specifically)

Required properties in various providers

Follow the Apache Hive catalog document

metastore.urisThe Hive metastore URIs e.g. thrift://

After verifying the values of these fields, clicking on the CREATE button creates a catalog.


Show catalog details

Clicking on the action icon in the table cell.

You can see the detailed information of this catalog in the drawer component on the right.


Edit catalog

Clicking on the action icon in the table cell.

Displays the dialog for modifying fields of the selected catalog.


Only the name, comment, and custom fields in properties can be modified, other fields such as type, provider, and default fields in properties cannot be modified.

The fields that are not allowed to be modified cannot be selected and modified in the web UI.

Delete catalog

Clicking on the action icon in the table cell.

Displays a confirmation dialog, clicking on the SUBMIT button deletes this catalog.



Under Construction...

  • View
  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete

Design draft preview:



Under Construction...

  • View
  • Create
  • Edit
  • Delete

Design draft preview:


Feature capabilities

MetalakeView ✔ / Create ✔ / Edit ✔ / Delete
CatalogView ✔ / Create ✔ / Edit ✔ / Delete
SchemaView ✔ / Create ✘ / Edit ✘ / Delete
TableView ✔ / Create ✘ / Edit ✘ / Delete