Update topic
Update the specified topic in a schema
Path Parameters
The name of the metalake
The name of the catalog
The name of the schema
The name of the topic
- application/json
Array [
- UpdateTopicCommentRequest
- SetTopicPropertyRequest
- RemoveTopicPropertyRequest
Possible values: [updateComment
The new comment of the topic
Possible values: [setProperty
The name of the property to set
The value of the property to set
Possible values: [removeProperty
The name of the property to remove
- 200
- 400
- 404
- 409
- 5xx
Returns include the topic object
- application/vnd.gravitino.v1+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- TopicResponse
Possible values: [0
Status code of the response
The name of the topic
The comment of the topic
The properties of the topic
"code": 0,
"topic": {
"name": "string",
"comment": "string",
"properties": {}
"code": 0,
"topic": {
"name": "topic1",
"comment": "This is a topic",
"properties": {
"partition-count": "1",
"replication-factor": "1"
Indicates a bad request error. It could be caused by an unexpected request body format or other forms of request validation failure, such as invalid json. Usually serves application/json content, although in some cases simple text/plain content might be returned by the server's middleware.
- application/vnd.gravitino.v1+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example
Possible values: >= 1000
and <= 1100
HTTP response code
Internal type definition of the error
A human-readable message
"code": 1002,
"type": "string",
"message": "string",
"stack": [
"code": 1003,
"type": "BadRequestException",
"message": "Malformed request"
Not Found - The target topic does not exist
- application/vnd.gravitino.v1+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- NoSuchMetalakeException
- NoSuchCatalogException
- NoSuchSchemaException
- NoSuchTopicException
Possible values: >= 1000
and <= 1100
HTTP response code
Internal type definition of the error
A human-readable message
"code": 1002,
"type": "string",
"message": "string",
"stack": [
"code": 1003,
"type": "NoSuchMetalakeException",
"message": "Failed to operate metalake(s) [test] operation [LOAD], reason [NoSuchMetalakeException]",
"stack": [
"com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchMetalakeException: Metalake test does not exist",
"code": 1003,
"type": "NoSuchCatalogException",
"message": "Failed to operate catalog(s) [test] operation [LOAD] under metalake [my_test_metalake], reason [NoSuchCatalogException]",
"stack": [
"com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchCatalogException: Catalog my_test_metalake.test does not exist",
"code": 1003,
"type": "NoSuchSchemaException",
"message": "Failed to operate schema(s) [my_hive_schema1] operation [LOAD] under catalog [my_hive_catalog], reason [NoSuchSchemaException]",
"stack": [
"com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchSchemaException: Hive schema (database) does not exist: my_hive_schema1 in Hive Metastore",
"code": 1003,
"type": "NoSuchTopicException",
"message": "Topic does not exist",
"stack": [
"com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.NoSuchTopicException: Topic does not exist",
Conflict - The target topic already exists
- application/vnd.gravitino.v1+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- TopicAlreadyExistsErrorResponse
Possible values: >= 1000
and <= 1100
HTTP response code
Internal type definition of the error
A human-readable message
"code": 1002,
"type": "string",
"message": "string",
"stack": [
"code": 1004,
"type": "TopicAlreadyExistsException",
"message": "Topic already exists",
"stack": [
"com.datastrato.gravitino.exceptions.TopicAlreadyExistsException: Topic already exists: topic1"
A server-side problem that might not be addressable from the client side. Used for server 5xx errors without more specific documentation in individual routes.
- application/vnd.gravitino.v1+json
- Schema
- Example (from schema)
- Example
Possible values: >= 1000
and <= 1100
HTTP response code
Internal type definition of the error
A human-readable message
"code": 1002,
"type": "string",
"message": "string",
"stack": [
"code": 1002,
"type": "RuntimeException",
"message": "Internal Server Error",
"stack": [
"java.lang.RuntimeException: Internal Server Error"