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Version: 0.3.0

How to test Gravitino

Gravitino has two types of tests: unit tests and integration tests. Unit tests are mainly focused on the functionalities of the specific class, module, or component. Integration tests are end-to-end tests that cover the whole system.

before test
  • If you want to run the complete integration test suites, you need to install Docker in your environment.
  • Please refer to How to build Gravitino for more details to make sure you have a build environment ready.
  • OrbStack is highly recommended to replace Docker Desktop for macOS. OrbStack automatically configures the network between Docker containers.
  • If you insist on using Docker Desktop for macOS, please launch mac-docker-connector before running tests, you can read $GRAVITINO_HOME/dev/docker/tools/ and $GRAVITINO_HOME/dev/docker/tools/ for more details.

Run the unit tests

To run the unit test, you can simply run the following command:

./gradlew test -PskipITs

This command runs all the unit tests and skips the integration tests.

Run the integration tests

Gravitino has two modes to run the integration tests, the default embedded mode and deploy mode.

  • With the embedded mode, the integration test starts an embedded MiniGravitino server within the same process of the integration test to run the integration tests.
  • With the deploy mode, the user has to build (./gradlew compileDistribution) a Gravitino binary package beforehand, the integration test launches and connects to the local Gravitino server to run the integration tests.

Run the integration tests in embedded mode

  1. Run the ./gradlew build -x test command to build the Gravitino project.

  2. Use the ./gradlew test [--rerun-tasks] -PskipTests -PtestMode=embedded commands to run the integration tests.


Running the ./gradlew build command triggers the build and run the integration tests in embedded mode.

Deploy the Gravitino server and run the integration tests in deploy mode

Deploy the Gravitino server locally to run the integration tests. Follow these steps:

  1. Run the ./gradlew build -x test command to build the Gravitino project.
  2. Use the ./gradlew compileDistribution command to compile and package the Gravitino project in the distribution directory.
  3. Use the ./gradlew test [--rerun-tasks] -PskipTests -PtestMode=deploy command to run the integration tests in the distribution directory.

Skip tests

  • You can skip unit tests by using the ./gradlew build -PskipTests command.
  • You can skip integration tests by using the ./gradlew build -PskipITs command.
  • You can skip both unit tests and integration tests by using the ./gradlew build -x test or ./gradlew build -PskipTests -PskipITs commands.

Docker test environment

Some integration test cases depend on the Gravitino CI Docker image.

If an integration test relies on the specific Gravitino CI Docker image, you need to set the @tag(gravitino-docker-it) annotation in the test class. For example, the integration-test/src/test/.../ test needs to connect to the datastrato/gravitino-ci-hive Docker container for testing the Hive data source. Therefore, it should have the following @tag annotation:@tag(gravitino-docker-it), This annotation helps identify the specific Docker container required for the integration test.

For example:

public class CatalogHiveIT extends AbstractIT {

Running all the integration tests

  • You should make sure that the Docker server is running before running all the integration tests. Otherwise, it only runs the integration tests without the gravitino-docker-it tag.
  • on macOS, please be sure to run the ${GRAVITINO_HOME}/dev/docker/tools/ script before running the integration tests. Or, you should make sure that OrbStack is running.

When integration tests run, it checks the whole environment and outputs the status of the required environment, for example:

------------------ Check Docker environment ---------------------
Docker server status ............................................ [running]
mac-docker-connector status ..................................... [stop]
OrbStack status ................................................. [yes]
Using Gravitino IT Docker container to run all integration tests. [deploy test]

Only when all the required environments are ready, all the integration tests run, otherwise, only parts of the integration tests without gravitino-docker-it tag run.

How to debug Gravitino server and integration tests in embedded mode

By default, the integration tests runs in the embedded mode, MiniGravitino starts in the same process. Debugging MiniGravitino is simple and easy. You can modify any code in the Gravitino project and set breakpoints anywhere.

How to debug Gravitino server and integration tests in deploy mode

This mode is closer to the actual environment but more complex to debug. To debug the Gravitino server code, follow these steps:

  • Run the ./gradlew build -x test command to build the Gravitino project.
  • Use the ./gradlew compileDistribution command to republish the packaged project in the distribution directory.
  • If you only debug integration test codes, You don't have to do any setup to debug directly.
  • If you need to debug Gravitino server codes, follow these steps:
    • Enable the GRAVITINO_DEBUG_OPTS environment variable in the distribution/package/conf/ file to enable remote JVM debugging.
    • Manually start the Gravitino server using the ./distribution/package/bin/ start command.
    • Select gravitino.server.main module classpath in the Remote JVM Debug to attach the Gravitino server process and debug it.

Running on GitHub actions

  • GitHub Actions automatically run integration tests in the embedded and deploy mode when you submit a pull request.
  • View the test results in the Actions tab of the pull request page.
  • Run the integration tests in several steps:
    • The Gravitino integration tests pull the CI Docker image from the Docker Hub repository. This step typically takes around 15 seconds.
    • If you set the debug action label in the pull request, GitHub actions runs an SSH server with csexton/debugger-action@master, allowing you to log in to the actions environment for remote debugging.
    • The Gravitino project compiles and packages in the distribution directory using the ./gradlew compileDistribution command.
    • Run the ./gradlew test -PtestMode=[embedded|deploy] command.

Test failure

If a test fails, you can retrieve valuable information from the logs and test report. Test reports are in the ./build/reports directory. The integration test logs are in the ./integrate-test/build directory. In deploy mode, Gravitino server logs are in the ./distribution/package/logs/ directory. In the event of a test failure within the GitHub workflow, the system generates archived logs and test reports. To obtain the archive, follow these steps:

  1. Click the detail link associated with the failed integration test in the pull request. This redirects you to the job page.

    pr page Image

  2. On the job page, locate the Summary button on the left-hand side and click it to access the workflow summary page.

    job page Image

  3. Look for the Artifacts item on the summary page and download the archive from there.

    summary page Image