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Version: 0.3.1

How to build Gravitino


  • Linux or macOS operating system
  • Git
  • A Java Development Kit version 8 to 17 installed in your environment to launch Gradle
  • Optionally Docker to run integration tests
Please read the following notes first
  • Gravitino requires at least JDK8 and at most JDK17 to run Gradle, so you need to install JDK8 to 17 version to launch the build environment.
  • Gravitino itself supports using JDK8, 11, and 17 to build, Gravitino Trino connector uses JDK17 to build. You don't have to preinstall the specified JDK environment,
  • Gradle detects the JDK version needed and downloads it automatically.
  • Gravitino uses Gradle Java Toolchain to detect and manage JDK versions, it checks the installed JDK by running ./gradlew javaToolchains command. For the details of Gradle Java Toolchain, please see Gradle Java Toolchain.
  • Make sure you have installed Docker in your environment as Gravitino uses it to run integration tests; without it, some Docker-related tests may not run.
  • macOS uses "docker-connector" to make the Gravitino Trino connector work with Docker for macOS. For the details of "docker-connector", please see docker-connector , $GRAVITINO_HOME/dev/docker/tools/, and $GRAVITINO_HOME/dev/docker/tools/ for more details.
  • Alternatively, you can use OrbStack to replace Docker for macOS, please see OrbStack, with OrbStack you can run Gravitino integration tests without needing to install "docker-connector".

Quick start

  1. Clone the Gravitino project.

    git clone
  2. Build the Gravitino project.

    cd gravitino
    ./gradlew build

The first time you build the project, downloading the dependencies may take a while. You can add -x test to skip the tests, by using ./gradlew build -x test.

  1. Get the Gravitino binary package.

    ./gradlew compileDistribution

    The compileDistribution command creates a distribution directory in the Gravitino root directory.

    The directory structure of the distribution directory is as follows:


The ./gradlew clean command deletes the distribution directory.

  1. Assemble the Gravitino distribution package.

    ./gradlew assembleDistribution

    The assembleDistribution command creates gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz and gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz.sha256 under the distribution directory.

    You can deploy them to your production environment.


The gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz file is the Gravitino server distribution package, and the gravitino-{version}-bin.tar.gz.sha256 file is the sha256 checksum file for the Gravitino server distribution package.

  1. Assemble Gravitino Trino connector package

     ./gradlew assembleTrinoConnector


    ./gradlew assembleDistribution

    This creates gravitino-trino-connector-{version}.tar.gz and gravitino-trino-connector-{version}.tar.gz.sha256 under the distribution directory.