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Version: 0.5.1

How to use Gravitino Virtual File System with Filesets


Fileset is a concept brought in by Gravitino, which is a logical collection of files and directories, with fileset you can manage non-tabular data through Gravitino. For details, you can read How to manage fileset metadata using Gravitino.

To use Fileset managed by Gravitino, Gravitino provides a virtual file system layer called the Gravitino Virtual File System (GVFS) that's built on top of the Hadoop Compatible File System (HCFS) interface.

GVFS is a virtual layer that manages the files and directories in the fileset through a virtual path, without needing to understand the specific storage details of the fileset. You can access the files or folders as shown below:


Here gvfs is the scheme of the GVFS, fileset is the root directory of the GVFS which can't modified, and ${catalog_name}/${schema_name}/${fileset_name} is the virtual path of the fileset. You can access the files and folders under this virtual path by concatenating a file or folder name to the virtual path.

The usage pattern for GVFS is the same as HDFS or S3. GVFS internally manages the path mapping and convert automatically.


  • A Hadoop environment with HDFS running. GVFS has been tested against Hadoop 3.1.0. It is recommended to use Hadoop 3.1.0 or later, but it should work with Hadoop 2. x. Please create an issue if you find any compatibility issues.


Configuration itemDescriptionDefault valueRequiredSince version
fs.AbstractFileSystem.gvfs.implThe Gravitino Virtual File System abstract class, set it to com.datastrato.gravitino.filesystem.hadoop.Gvfs.(none)Yes0.5.0
fs.gvfs.implThe Gravitino Virtual File System implementation class, set it to com.datastrato.gravitino.filesystem.hadoop.GravitinoVirtualFileSystem.(none)Yes0.5.0
fs.gvfs.impl.disable.cacheDisable the Gravitino Virtual File System cache in the Hadoop environment. If you need to proxy multi-user operations, please set this value to true and create a separate File System for each user.falseNo0.5.0
fs.gravitino.server.uriThe Gravitino server URI which GVFS needs to load the fileset metadata.(none)Yes0.5.0
fs.gravitino.client.metalakeThe metalake to which the fileset belongs.(none)Yes0.5.0
fs.gravitino.client.authTypeThe auth type to initialize the Gravitino client to use with the Gravitino Virtual File System. Currently only supports simple, oauth2 and kerberos auth types.simpleNo0.5.0
fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.serverUriThe auth server URI for the Gravitino client when using oauth2 auth type with the Gravitino Virtual File System.(none)Yes if you use oauth2 auth type0.5.0
fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.credentialThe auth credential for the Gravitino client when using oauth2 auth type in the Gravitino Virtual File System.(none)Yes if you use oauth2 auth type0.5.0
fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.pathThe auth server path for the Gravitino client when using oauth2 auth type with the Gravitino Virtual File System. Please remove the first slash / from the path, for example oauth/token.(none)Yes if you use oauth2 auth type0.5.0
fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.scopeThe auth scope for the Gravitino client when using oauth2 auth type with the Gravitino Virtual File System.(none)Yes if you use oauth2 auth type0.5.0
fs.gravitino.client.kerberos.principalThe auth principal for the Gravitino client when using kerberos auth type with the Gravitino Virtual File System.(none)Yes if you use kerberos auth type0.5.1
fs.gravitino.client.kerberos.keytabFilePathThe auth keytab file path for the Gravitino client when using kerberos auth type in the Gravitino Virtual File System.(none)No0.5.1
fs.gravitino.fileset.cache.maxCapacityThe cache capacity of the Gravitino Virtual File System.20No0.5.0
fs.gravitino.fileset.cache.evictionMillsAfterAccessThe value of time that the cache expires after accessing in the Gravitino Virtual File System. The value is in milliseconds.300000No0.5.0

You can configure these properties in two ways:

  1. Before obtaining the FileSystem in the code, construct a Configuration object and set its properties:

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    Path filesetPath = new Path("gvfs://fileset/test_catalog/test_schema/test_fileset_1");
    FileSystem fs = filesetPath.getFileSystem(conf);
  2. Configure the properties in the core-site.xml file of the Hadoop environment:





How to use the Gravitino Virtual File System

First make sure to obtain the Gravitino Virtual File System runtime jar, which you can get in two ways:

  1. Download from the maven central repository. You can download the runtime jar named gravitino-filesystem-hadoop3-runtime-{version}.jar from Maven repository.

  2. Compile from the source code:

    Download or clone the Gravitino source code, and compile it locally using the following command in the Gravitino source code directory:

       ./gradlew :clients:filesystem-hadoop3-runtime:build -x test

Use GVFS via Hadoop shell command

You can use the Hadoop shell command to perform operations on the fileset storage. For example:

# 1. Configure the hadoop `core-site.xml` configuration
# You should put the required properties into this file
vi ${HADOOP_HOME}/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml

# 2. Place the GVFS runtime jar into your Hadoop environment
cp gravitino-filesystem-hadoop3-runtime-{version}.jar ${HADOOP_HOME}/share/hadoop/common/lib/

# 3. Complete the Kerberos authentication setup of the Hadoop environment (if necessary).
# You need to ensure that the Kerberos has permission on the HDFS directory.
kinit -kt your_kerberos.keytab

# 4. Try to list the fileset
./${HADOOP_HOME}/bin/hadoop dfs -ls gvfs://fileset/test_catalog/test_schema/test_fileset_1

Using the GVFS via Java code

You can also perform operations on the files or directories managed by fileset through Java code. Make sure that your code is using the correct Hadoop environment, and that your environment has the gravitino-filesystem-hadoop3-runtime-{version}.jar dependency.

For example:

Configuration conf = new Configuration();
Path filesetPath = new Path("gvfs://fileset/test_catalog/test_schema/test_fileset_1");
FileSystem fs = filesetPath.getFileSystem(conf);

Using GVFS with Apache Spark

  1. Add the GVFS runtime jar to the Spark environment.

    You can use --packages or --jars in the Spark submit shell to include the Gravitino Virtual File System runtime jar, like so:

    ./${SPARK_HOME}/bin/spark-submit --packages com.datastrato.gravitino:filesystem-hadoop3-runtime:${version}

    If you want to include the Gravitino Virtual File System runtime jar in your Spark installation, add it to the ${SPARK_HOME}/jars/ folder.

  2. Configure the Hadoop configuration when submitting the job.

    You can configure in the shell command in this way:

    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.AbstractFileSystem.gvfs.impl=com.datastrato.gravitino.filesystem.hadoop.Gvfs
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.gvfs.impl=com.datastrato.gravitino.filesystem.hadoop.GravitinoVirtualFileSystem
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.gravitino.server.uri=${your_gravitino_server_uri}
    --conf spark.hadoop.fs.gravitino.client.metalake=${your_gravitino_metalake}
  3. Perform operations on the fileset storage in your code.

    Finally, you can access the fileset storage in your Spark program:

    // Scala code
    val spark = SparkSession.builder()
    .appName("Gvfs Example")

    val rdd = spark.sparkContext.textFile("gvfs://fileset/test_catalog/test_schema/test_fileset_1")


Using GVFS with Tensorflow

For Tensorflow to support GVFS, you need to recompile the tensorflow-io module.

  1. First, add a patch and recompile tensorflow-io.

    You need to add a patch to support GVFS on tensorflow-io. Then you can follow the tutorial to recompile your code and release the tensorflow-io module.

  2. Then you need to configure the Hadoop configuration.

    You need to configure the Hadoop configuration and add gravitino-filesystem-hadoop3-runtime-{version}.jar, and set up the Kerberos environment according to the Use GVFS via Hadoop shell command sections.

    Then you need to set your environment as follows:

    export HADOOP_HOME=${your_hadoop_home}
    export HADOOP_CONF_DIR=${your_hadoop_conf_home}
    export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/libexec/
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/server
    export PATH=$PATH:$HADOOP_HOME/bin:$HADOOP_HOME/sbin
    export CLASSPATH="$(hadoop classpath --glob)"
  3. Import tensorflow-io and test.

    import tensorflow as tf
    import tensorflow_io as tfio

    ## read a file

    ## list directory


Currently, Gravitino Virtual File System supports two kinds of authentication types to access Gravitino server: simple and oauth2.

The type of simple is the default authentication type in Gravitino Virtual File System.

How to use authentication

Using simple authentication

First, make sure that your Gravitino server is also configured to use the simple authentication mode.

Then, you can configure the Hadoop configuration like this:

// Simple type uses the environment variable `GRAVITINO_USER` as the client user.
// If the environment variable `GRAVITINO_USER` isn't set,
// the client uses the user of the machine that sends requests.
System.setProperty("GRAVITINO_USER", "test");

Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// Configure the auth type to simple,
// or do not configure this configuration, gvfs will use simple type as default.
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.authType", "simple");
Path filesetPath = new Path("gvfs://fileset/test_catalog/test_schema/test_fileset_1");
FileSystem fs = filesetPath.getFileSystem(conf);

Using OAuth authentication

If you want to use oauth2 authentication for the Gravitino client in the Gravitino Virtual File System, please refer to this document to complete the configuration of the Gravitino server and the OAuth server: Security.

Then, you can configure the Hadoop configuration like this:

Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// Configure the auth type to oauth2.
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.authType", "oauth2");
// Configure the OAuth configuration.
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.serverUri", "${your_oauth_server_uri}");
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.credential", "${your_client_credential}");
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.path", "${your_oauth_server_path}");
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.oauth2.scope", "${your_client_scope}");
Path filesetPath = new Path("gvfs://fileset/test_catalog/test_schema/test_fileset_1");
FileSystem fs = filesetPath.getFileSystem(conf);

Using Kerberos authentication

If you want to use kerberos authentication for the Gravitino client in the Gravitino Virtual File System, please refer to this document to complete the configuration of the Gravitino server: Security.

Then, you can configure the Hadoop configuration like this:

Configuration conf = new Configuration();
// Configure the auth type to kerberos.
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.authType", "kerberos");
// Configure the Kerberos configuration.
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.kerberos.principal", "${your_kerberos_principal}");
// Optional. You don't need to set the keytab if you use kerberos ticket cache.
conf.set("fs.gravitino.client.kerberos.keytabFilePath", "${your_kerberos_keytab}");
Path filesetPath = new Path("gvfs://fileset/test_catalog/test_schema/test_fileset_1");
FileSystem fs = filesetPath.getFileSystem(conf);